Chapter 8 first time doctor appionment

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Chase and I were driving to my parents house and I have never been so nervous in my entire life. When we arrived at their house I was ready to puke and not because I was pregnant but because I was that nervous.
We walked inside and here goes nothing.
"Mom and dad I have to tell you something really important" I said shaking
"Well what is it" my mom said anxious
"I'm pr-pr-pr- pregnant" I said about to burst in to tears and they just stood there in shock
"Ur pregnant!?!?!" My dad yelled
"Yea I found out a couple days ago"
" well I know your going to be a good mother" he said and mom nodded agreement and I felt so relived now that they know.
"When are you going to find out if it's a boy or girl" my mom asked and I could tell she was full of questions
" not for a while but I have an appointment tomorrow do you want to come." I asked her and I knew she wanted to
" yes I would not miss it for the world" she said smiling
I am glad they know now but I am still so nervous I did not want be come pregnant at 16 for the world but I guess I have to face the fact that I am. Wow I am really pregnant.
The next day
Me and my mom arrived at the doctors office and since I have never been against baby doctor before I had no clue what to expect so I was beyond nervous. They called my name and they took me to a room and the doctor came in shortly after witch never hardly happens. He explained every thing and said the baby looked healthy so far witch I was beyond thrilled to hear. I am kinda looking forward to the mom thing I have to admit and I think chase is to.
We were driving home in silence then Chase said something and broke it.
" ya know babe I am kinda looking forward to being dad but I wish we was a little older" he said and I thought the same thing,"
" yea me to but every thing happens for a reason"
"Yea and I think it is going to be a girl how bout you"
"Hmm I haven't really thought about it much but I am saying boy"
"We shall see" he said laughing
We got home and it was about 4:30 and I was wore out. But I was starving I have been craving mac and cheese lately and luckily we had some.
"Chase" I wined
"What" he said coping me
"I want mac and cheese" I said and he looked at me funny
" uh ok I will fix it right now"
I ate my Mac and cheese and watched a couple movies one was The Outsiders and the other was The Dukes Of Hazard but my favorite was The outsiders because I have seen the Dukes Of Hazard to many times. I went to get ready for bed and chase followed me.
We laid down and I was about to turn the light off until he stopped me. Before I knew it he was rubbing my belly.
"Hey baby this is your daddy speaking I am sure you are a girl but your mom thinks boy but I am always right" he said I was laughing
"I can't wait until he or she gets her" I said now rubbing belly
"Me either" he said Smiling
We both crawled in bed and we both was out very shortly.

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