Chapter 9 shocking news

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Chase and I are going to my 13 week Doctor appointment today and we are finally going to find out what we are having. YAY! I vote girl and chase votes boy.
"Yea know it's going to be fun having a little boy" chase said thinking he was right
"You mean a girl" I said knowing I was right
"We shall see" chase said and now the bet is on.
We arrived at the doctor and signed it and everything and after about an hour of waiting they called me back.
She did an ultrasound and she had a shocked look on her face witch worried me
"Oh my gosh your.. Your having TWINS!!" She said congratulating us
"TWINS"!!!! I said happy and shocked all at the same time
"Yes a boy and a girl"
"Wow we was both right" I said looking at chase
" Yea I guess we were" he said kissing me on the forehead
"I can't believe we are going to be parents" he said almost tearing up
"Me either and excpecialy at 17" I said kinda sad
" we are not even married yet". I said hoping he would say we was going to be soon
We was close to home but instead we went the wrong way
"Uhh were are we going?" I asked puzzled
"To the lake" chase said arriving at the lake now
We laid on the grass for a while and then chase stood up
"Rebecca Bentley you make me so happy I never want to lose you you are my whole world you are the reason I smile and wake up every day you are the first thing in my mind when I wake up and the last thing when I go to sleep will you marry me" he said getting down on one knee and I was speechless
"YES A MILLION TIMES YES!!!" I said hugging him so tight he could barley breath.
"I wanted us to be married before the babies come and I had this all planned out for a while and I asked your dad and step mom for permission and they said yes" he said smiling the biggest smile I have ever seen before in my life.
"Me to and I love you so much and I never want to lose you and I am so happy they gave you permission" I said tearing up then he kissed me and stared seeping the kiss I never wanted it to end but it did and we got in the car and drove home.
We arrived home and I couldn't help but stare and the beautiful diamond ring he gave me and it must have cost a ton of money but I didn't want to ask because I was afraid he spent way to much on it. I all ready know what my dress is going to look like because I have always imagined it since I was born and I have always dreamed of my weeding day and now it is finally going to happen and I couldn't be more excited I get to spend with the rest if my life with someone I love more than anything in the world. He is the best thug that has ever happend to me and I don't what I would do with out him.
"Babe" he yelled snapping me out if my thoughts
"What" I said mocking him
"Come lay with me !!" He whined
"Ok fine " I said if chorus giving in into him like I always do
I laid beside him on the bed and he cuddle me close to him and he was so comfy I never wanted it to end ever. The thought of having twins ran threw my mind I was happy and nervous as heck. I have never been more nervous in my entire life as long as I can remember but I am very much looking forward to it and chase is to I think. Before I knew it chase was asleep and I was so glad I was in his arms while he was asleep and I stared to drift off to sleep until a sharp pain hot my stomach it had something to do with being pregnant I guess I got out of bed trying my hardest not wake chase up thank god I didn't. I laid down in the couch and I didn't want to take medicine because I was afraid it would the babies so I decided to calm the doctor to ask them what I should do they told me to take half a Tylenol so I did and it kinda helped so I laid back down beside chase and he as still A sleep thankfully and I hugged him and he felt very warm and cozy and I decided bit to get up unless he did and he was so warm I could not say wake I could barley stay awake I tried to because I knew if I went to sleep I would not sleep at all tonight and I would feel worse so I stayed awake as long as I could but he was so warm and the last thought I had was wow I am really having twins ? What will it be like?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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