Chapter Ten~ Family

Start from the beginning

We made it out.

We are free.

With a deep breath, Cassian had me in his arms and flying straight towards The House of Wind. It was a shame I didn't get to fly myself but the beauty of the dress and the effort Arlys put into my hair was a good enough excuse that I didn't complain. As we flew across the sky of Velaris, I let Arlys fly alongside us so he could see what the world looked like from above. His face was priceless, wide-eyed as he took in the buildings below, still bustling with movement. He turned his head to the cloudless sky and a grin plastered itself onto his face. Despite the glow of Velaris and its buildings, the sky was still an alluring mass of stars and inky darkness. Like it swallowed up any source of light and put it into each and every star.

Cassian let out a roaring cackle at the sight of Arlys taking everything in, yet the being ignored him and kept his gaze on the stars. All too soon we arrived at The House of Wind and my anxiety made an appearance.

"Hey, hey, hey." Cassian started, placing me down and letting Arlys fix my dress. "It's going to be okay. But if things get too much and you feel like you're about to implode, tell me and we will leave."

I took in a deep breath, settling my fears and calming my nerves. It took a while before they were calm and I was ready to enter.

Like it always had, The House of Wind was filled will people and the mingling scents of magnificent foods. Cassian, Arlys, and I walked into the main dining room where the laughter and scents wafted in. It was the usual people in the Inner Circle excluding Azriel and including two new females. Their scents were similar to Feyre's and I had guessed these were the sisters she mentioned to Tamlin.

As we walked to the tables and sat at our seats, Mor to my left and Cassian to my right, I let Arlys roam the building and expand his knowledge of the place. I could feel his excitement at meeting new people and exploring a new place.

Mor looked to me, nothing of the events shined in her eyes as she took my hand in hers. "We are so glad to have you back."

Before I could respond with my own relief, I was interrupted by one of Feyre's sisters. The cold hard look in her eyes was enough to make even a grown man run. "And who are you? Another one of Cassian's bitches?"

The shock and sting of her words baffled me enough so that no response came. Where once I would retort with my own knife-sharp attitude, nothing but emptiness remained. The others stared at her in shock, Feyre chastizing her sister with a hissed curse of her name.

Nesta, I learned, just stared at me with unmoving eyes. Awaiting my response. I reeled myself back, knowing that Cassian was going to say something if I didn't first.

I try my best imitation of the girl I became in the camp. Steeling my nerves and stomping down on fear, I give her my own leveling look. "I am not, and will never be anyone's bitch." Sensing the sudden change in mood, Arlys appeared behind me and waited for a command. Shadows that had the potential to become like Arlys writhed over my skin, across my wings, and into the air around me.

Rhysand cleared his throat, likely noting the rising threat in the air, "She is Cassian's cousin."

"And why is she dining with us tonight?" Everything about this woman screamed frosty. Her posture, her glare, the way she looks at me down her nose. She looked so elegant until she opened her mouth.

"That story is not yours to hear." Hissed Cassian. I placed my hands under my thighs to control the shaking and hide the fear from the witch in front of me.

Nesta looked to me, her blue-grey eyes narrowing as her nostrils flared. She took a whiff, scenting me and whatever was radiating from my body. I hoped to the forgotten gods she didn't scent my fear.

A Court of Dreams and Vengeance {Azriel x reader}Where stories live. Discover now