I am sorry

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I know I have not updated in a really long time and for that, I apologize. I went into this fic knowing I have a habit of not finishing works. I didn't even have a solid plan for this work, no plot besides the first few chapters and once I went beyond what I had planned I was pulling things out of my ass. So I am going to heavily edit this work and change a lot of things about what I had planned for this. I will take away the Valkyrie idea due to the fact that it is actually canon. I started writing this, and will still be writing this without reading A Court of Silver Flames. What I know of that book are spoilers I stumbled across on Instagram and other Azriel fics.  Edits will start right away so I have no idea when actual chapters will be published again. 

I will say now, that I get writer's block quite frequently so updating schedules will not be in place because I know I won't follow through. I also want to say that I did not expect this to get as many reads as it has gotten, so I didn't put too much effort into writing this. But I am now, unfortunately too late. 

Another thing I want to address is the random name 'Lizzy' in some chapters. I have a chrome extension called Interactivefics (for those of you who don't know about this wonderful extension, it lets you change Y/N to your name or a name you prefer, among other words.) That is what happened, I assumed once I published the chapter with the extension still on that it would change back but it didn't and some of them went unchanged. 

Thank you for your support. I will promise to do better. 

A Court of Dreams and Vengeance {Azriel x reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora