Chapter 7: Dogged Pursuit

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Clarice's arm on her right turn into like a demon and forcefully grab the ghost like thing like it was nothing and she smashed it on the ground as she scream so damn loud in a battle cry roar

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Clarice's arm on her right turn into like a demon and forcefully grab the ghost like thing like it was nothing and she smashed it on the ground as she scream so damn loud in a battle cry roar. And that's not only her demon arm can do, her demon arm is really devouring the ghost in fear and it turn to dust leaving nothing more than ash. All the ghost things saw her with her demon arm in fear as those things witness her terrifying aura as they all flee away disappearing in fear.

Everyone accept Asben and Niro saw what Clarice did in shock as she heavily panted and suddenly coughing out dark purple blood as her legs give out and her knees hit the ground.

"Clarice!" "Dragks!", Asben and Niro run towards her as Asben kneels with her rubbing her back in worry. Tifa calls out to Clarice and run to where Asben and Niro kneel between her  and Jessie while Cloud still trying to process of what happen when he witness the black twilight haired girl demon arm as he made his way to the others.

"Jessie! Dragks!" Barret kneel beside Asben with Clarice holding her in his arms, "You two okay?" Tifa ask them in concern.

Jessie giggled nervously, "Me and my two left feet..." she replied though Clarice said nothing as she took a deep breath while Asben looks down at her holding her both shoulders to calm her down as Jessie tries to get up but sadly she can't as Tifa told her to take it easy.

However a bunch of people were watching  not only looking at the group but to Clarice terrified mostly after witnessing her demon arm as they were whispering awful things about her like 'monster'. That made Asben narrow his brows as he and Niro tries to cover Clarice from them blocking everyone's view pushing her head in his chest. As Barret angrily yells at everyone to go away, "We ain't putting on a damn show!" and everyone took his outburst and left.

"The hell were those things? Some kind of...I dunno! Guess I shouldn't be surprised, though. Never can tell what weird shit'll come crawling out of the scrap down here. It's those reactors, I'm telling you..." Barret said.

Cloud kneels to Jessie and Clarice, "It hurt?" He ask Jessie, "Wish I could say it didn't, but yeah...." Jessie replied and nervously laugh until Niro rushes between them picking up Jessie in his arms, "I got it!" he quickly say although to Jessie, "God, this is so embarrassing... Hate playing the damsel in distress..." she plainly says, "Happens all time." Niro replied as he carry her inside the bar leaving Cloud looking to Clarice while Asben still hold her in his arms in concern.

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