The others looked on curiously as the three women turned to them, "This must be your team?" Seeing the shocked faces, she corrected in a whisper, "Oh, stop. I didn't say what kind of team."

"Guys, relax," Zoey consoled, "This is Emily Scott, Jenna's sister-in-law. She knows everything." The relaxed but stayed guarded. Especially Hunter.

"Um, you know, I think I'm gonna go the track." He looked at the others, "Blake, Dustin, wanna come with me?"

Laughing, Zoey grabbed Hunter's arm before he leave, "Now, now, Hunter. He's not in here." Grinning, she pointed to the back of the store, "Now, come sit down with the rest of us so we can enjoy our visit. Now." She ordered, pushing him forward.

"I love it when she gets like this." Emily commented, following beside Jenna, "She gets more and more like Tommy every day."

"I'll take that as a compliment." The Pink Ranger yelled, elated.


After a lengthy visit, and some interesting stories about Zoey and Jenna, they all decided to take a walk down to the Motocross track.

"You know, Em, we were just talking about Jason during training earlier." Zoey commented with a smirk.

"Oh, really?" She looked on, curious. Everyone, but Hunter, laughed, "What about?"

"Oh, just the past." Zoey smirked, "you know, school, friends... exes."

Emily looked at her with a knowing smile, "Really? Anything of interest?"

Before anyone could comment, they were surrounded by Kelzacks. They got into a circle, surrounding Emily. "Emily, stay in the middle." Jenna called as they started taking out the red and black freaks one at a time. Next thing they know, two more people jumped in to the circle and was fighting off the ones getting past the barrier.

"Hey, guys," Zoey yelled, "nice of you to show up." Laughing, Jenna looked over at her brother, "You two think you can handle these freaks while we take on Dog-Face over there?" She pointed over to where a dog-like monster in an oversized kimono stood next to Zurgane.

"We're not that rusty, Baby Girl," Jason Scott, the original Red Ranger said as he side-kicked a Kelzack coming at his wife, "go take care of business. We've got this."

"Be safe!" His companion called, tornado kicking a Kelzack into another.

Everyone nodded and ran over to the Faceless General and his new pet. "Hey, Zurgane!" Dustin called out, "What? You get so desperate you had to get help from a dog pound?"

"Dog pound?" The monster cried out indignantly, "I am the Great Nogitsune! Let's play a game!"

"I am so insulted right now." Zoey looked at him in disgust. "Shane, can we please morph so I take this Fox Imposter down, now?!"

"Um..." Everyone but Jenna looked at the Pink Ranger in confusion, "Sure. Yeah. Ready?" he called as they lined up.






"RANGER FORM, HA!" they morphed and took off to take on the monster.

"Would you lookie here?" the monster laughed as he to Zoey, "Someone pretending to be me!" he laughed before slamming a giant fan on the ground, sending a shockwave through the team of 7.

"Pretending?" Indignant, she looked at the others, "Did he just..." Furious, she lifted her Glaive and charged the monster.

"Give it up Pink Poser!" He demanded, "You're clearly outfoxed!"

Ninja Storm: The Pink Ninja RangerWhere stories live. Discover now