"Okay, go get changed and i'll wait for you in the car"

Get changed? What is wrong with his clothes?

Oh he forgot, Yoongi's. Jungkook must've noticed it

So he nodded and as quickly as it should be, he was already ready and joined the other in the car

Silence fulfilled the ride. Taehyung didn't dare to ask where they were heading to, instead, he choosed to trust his husband to lead him anywhere he wants to.

He hated to love how he became so naive when it comes to Jungkook.

And okay what a surprise

Taehyung couldn't understand why they were at his favorite bookstore and why Jungkook would take him to look for a book

The familiar smell of the woods and papers made him smile in satisfaction and cut off his thoughts. Books are one of the things that never fail to put him at peace

"You don't want to ask why are we here?" He heard Jungkook's deep voice along with a pair of eyes getting his attention

"No, i know you will tell me" he said, smiling widely that Jungkook couldn't help but to return a slight grin as well

"Well, darling, i know you love reading a lot so i thought you could recommend one for me um?"

Calm the fuck down Taehyung, he's not trying to seduce you

"I don't know if my taste in book will be the same as yours" he managed to say, hesitatingly

"Well, let me know what kind of book do you like to read- no, recommend me your favorite ones"

Taehyung almost fainted when his eyes landed on Jungkook's smile. How perfect

Taehyung was stuck between the thought of what Jungkook might have as a purpose in all of this and the choice of what in those books he has been cherishing his whole life would convey Jungkook (again)'s taste

"Recommend me your favorite ones"

Oh he wished he could know which one is his favorite.

Choosing was never easy for him.
It may comes to books, his favorite movie or cartoon, green color or grey color, trusting Jungkook or overthinking because he was scared to be hurt again, he always had to choose but couldn't

After some minutes of passing shelf by shelf, he finally managed to pick three and handed them to his husband, who just followed him without a word all this time. He was hella nervous at how he will react, the other's opinion didn't matter much for him before, but Jungkook isn't everyone. He is-


How classic.

"Yeah, my favorite" he licked his dry lips discontentedly

"Why? What kind of thing in romance instigates you?"

"Love. Anything about love"


Jungkook's voice was like the snake of tentation, but this time, it pushed Taehyung to look at him and be lost in his eyes. To have fantasms about his lips, his hair, his smile, his dark orbs, his-

"Love inspires you that much, darling?"

Please don't talk to me like that, it makes me fall for you more.

Taehyung gulped, he tried to look away put failed. And as if challenging him, Jungkook even leaned a little bit so their faces were close, too much close for Taehyung's sanity

"Yeah. It's just... Love is the source of our passion. You can't keep doing something if you don't love doing it, but you can do everything if anyone or anything you love wants you to do so . I'm a model because love pushed me so and it makes me love myself more, romances are my favorite because i can have different shape of what true love can be. And you accepted to be a CEO even if you didn't want to just because you love your family-" oops

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, dumbfounded. And Taehyung wanted to disappear, what if his husband will be upset because he talked too much?

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to say that, i know it's not my business and-"

"It's okay darling, you're right" Jungkook's little smile made him feel relived, and like getting more courage again, he wanted to ask Jungkook what he had been dying to know since earlier so-

"But why are you asking me all of this? And why aren't you in you're office? You must have a lot to do since you are now the CEO and all, and why going out with me? You should've call Mia or-" oh he talked too much again and that's it, Jungkook is fucking angry at him now

"You're being too mature for your age"

"Aren't you younger than me? And look at you, already a CEO" he giggled

"I'm actually older than you. I'm 22"


Nevermind, back to Jungkook being upset. He is about to answer Taehyung's questions and oh

He didn't smile anymore. God i'm dead

"I just wanted to know why are you so into reading, and father told me that i will take the position only after 10 days because of the formalities so i have time, and me and Mia had a fight yesterday but that's not why i wanted to go out with you"

Taehyung bitted his lips mercilessly and register all that Jungkook had said. But he stayed silent because it seemed like the other didn't finish yet

Jungkook caressed Taehyung's red cheeks again before speaking

"I just thought that i used to be so rude with you, so maybe getting to know you will cut this boundary that makes us hate each other, will you let me, darling?"

Taehyung closed his eyes, words refused to come out because it was too much. The touch, the voice with every words that came along with it was too much for his heart to not dance in his chest. So he just nodded, not knowing what else could he do

"Do you know why i call you darling, darling?"

Because all of this is just acting?


He shaked his head instead, still closing his eyes shut. He could hear Jungkook chuckling

"I will tell you when i'm ready"

Taehyung was anxious. He hate how he turned so weak, that he couldn't even do anything to stop Jungkook doing all of this to him. He wanted to ask more, so he can make himself understand why this guy makes him feel this way

Jungkook, why do you make me fall inlove with you?

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