Ch. 4

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"Wooju-ah." Beomgyu called aloud, making the little girl turn around. He smiled brightly as she dashed to him


Beeomgyu swiftly picked her up and ruffled her hair. "How have you been??"

"I missed you," admitted Wooju. "I was so worried that I couldn't even sleep. Beom-ah, are they giving you a hard time?"

"Aigoo~" Beomgyu put her down and crouched to pat her shoulders. "You sound like an elder person right now, you know? I missed you too, bub."

Wooju pouted. Beomgyu took off his mask to smile at her. "I'm okay, alright? So don't worry about me."

"If the stupid reporters are harassing you too much, come hide at my home."

Home. Sounded really foreign to Beomgyu. But his heart was full just by hearing the little girl. So young, yet such wise words. He wondered about the parents of his friend, they must be really nice people.

Beomgyu squished her cheeks softly, assuring, "I will one day surely visit you but instead of hiding there, we'll talk for the whole night."

Wooju shook her head as if she were serious about the offer. "I'm telling you this because my appa is looking for—"

"Wooju-ah." She was cut off by a familiar voice. By the time she turned around, Beomgyu immediately pulled up his mask and stood up awkwardly.

He saw a man, looking somewhat in his late 20s. Beomgyu needn't anyone to tell him exactly who this person might be as he had wide eyes almost similar to Wooju's, their hair in the same dark shade and texture along with their small faces and the visible dents in the same area of their cheeks. Still, he kinda refused to believe so because....this person looked too young(?) to have a six-year-old kid.

"Appa is here." Taehyun reached behind his daughter, and then he eyed the man in all-covered casuals. It looked like they were talking to each other. "Who...are you...?"

Beomgyu cleared his throat, and looked away, his hand coming to keep his mask intact.

"Uhh, excuse me, what were you talking about with my daughter?" Taehyun stood forward, wrapping his hand around Wooju in a protective way.

"Appa he—" Right at the moment Wooju chose to speak up, Beomgyu turned around to walk away quickly.

"What...Hey! Where are you running away?" Taehyun called but Beomgyu only sped up. "Yaa!! Stop!"

Beomgyu didn't know why but before he realized it, he was already racing as fast as he could, although he hadn't done anything wrong. It was a few moments later when he felt a strong grip on his arms that stopped him from moving. With two or three twists and turns, he was already lying on the ground with the wide-eyed man on top of him.

Albeit not having a broad build or too many muscles, this person was was so strong that it surprised Beomgyu. He could feel it in his bones as his wrists were now pinned down.

"Were you trying to kidnap my baby or what?" Taehyun angrily rebuked.

Both of them were breathing heavily. And Beomgyu knew it was too gay of him to think what he was thinking but he couldn't look away from this handsome man's eyes. No homo but if Wooju had stars, he had the whole galaxy.

Taehyun held his breath and ever so slowly brought one of his hands to lower the presumed kidnapper's mask but before he could even touch it, the man took the chance and flipped them.

So now Beomgyu was on top, but it didn't help his situation much. The handsome man was way too stronger, and wriggling his best to get away from Beomgyu while squealing. Like a fluffy kitten, he smiled in amusement beneath his mask.

They wrestled on the pavement for a few more minutes, earning some questionable looks before someone came and stopped them. The tall figure at once separated them and towed Beomgyu back to his feet before bowing a full 90.

"I'm very very sorry for the misunderstanding."

Taehyun was also swift to get up, angrily huffing, "Are you a kidnapper too? I'm going to report you to the police, just wait!"

"Look, we are in a hurry so we cannot explain now but it isn't what you're thinking." The tall and polite gentleman glanced at his watch before flashing his deep dimpled smile. "We'll take your leave now, once again, we're extremely sorry."

And then, he just dragged the weirdo with him into a nearby car.

Beomgyu quickly looked back and saw little Wooju running to her father and sulking. He could already imagine her getting angwy, as her father looked towards Beomgyu's already moving car and murmured something (which he supposed were curses). He turned away as Soobin scolded him for taking such a risk, but oh well, his mind was occupied by how this father-daughter duo made him smile today.

On the other hand, Taehyun picked up Wooju while she kept reasoning that the "kidnapper" was Beom-ah, apparently her "good friend". He booped her nose to be aware of weird-looking strangers and not trust people so easily. Dang! He'd thought Beom-ah was another young kid from the stories Wooju shared with him.

He looked back at the already running car, and mumbled, "I think I've seen the tall guy somewhere."

But then, he just shrugged his shoulders and continued walking the other way. It could be his misconception too.

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