Upa - I'll protect You

Start from the beginning


Upa said, very angry now. Surprised he hadn't hurt anyone yet. "You did it so you can use them. If you dare touch them again, I will not hesitate to hurt you. You got it.?" Upa looked up at the professor, dead glaring him. The professor wasn't scared but he really didn't want to deal with Upa or Qi. He sighed and crossed his arms. "You really think I care about what some kids have to say?"

Both Upa and Qi punched him. Qi kept going ham on him while Upa came to my side. "Are you alright? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He questioned me, glancing me over for any wounds. I shook my head a bit and moved a hand close to my neck. "No wounds but..he did grab my neck twice, hard..I could barely breathe.." I tell him. He grows even more angry at this. "I'll be back." He said and goes and helps Qi.

I wasn't one for violence so I couldn't stand them hurting the professor so badly. I run over, I knew I wasn't strong enough to pull Qi away but Upa being so small, I could pull him away. So I did, "Please stop..that's enough.." I plead. Qi, having a hold of the professors, now bloody shirt, looks at me. "But he-" Qi began.

"Yes but that doesn't mean you can kill him.." Upa rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "He deserves it." I sigh a bit then smile softly. "Thank you both..for helping me.." Qi drops the professor and nods. "Of course, you're like family to me." Qi told me. Upa just nods and looks away. He was such a cute tsundere.

"Why did you help that monster!?" Yelled one of the classmates. Upa glared at her. "Who the hell are you calling a monster.?" Qi walked over to Upa and put a hand on his head. "It's not worth it." He told Upa. Upa 'tsk'ed and looked away. "You have poor choice in people Upa. I mean, your only two friends are monsters." Said another kid.

Liang hit the back of his neck, causing the kid to black out. "Anyone else have anything to say?" He questioned. Everyone stayed quiet. "That's what I thought. So leave." We then watch everyone leave. "Are you two alright?" Liang questioned me and Upa. I nod, "yes, I'm okay now..thank you." I tell him.

Upa just nods. "Hey, what about me?" Qi playfully questioned. "Like I care." I chuckle at this, I knew they all cared for each other. Upa and Liang just never admitted to caring for Qi. Upa never admitting to liking anyone in anyway. "Well, we should go back to our rooms. We still have school tomorrow." Liang said. "Do you have a place Y/n? I doubt they'll let you back in.." He added sadly.

I nod and motion to Upa. "I'll stay in his room." I tell him and Liang nods. "Alright, be safe you two." He said and walked off. "Tell me if the professor ever tries anything again. If he wakes up." Qi said as he walked away. I nodded to him before he left then looked at Upa. "Come on." He motioned to me and I followed him when he went to his room.

"Thank you Upa..for everything." I tell him, I always thanked him for everything so it wasn't anything new for me to do that. He nods a bit, "You're welcome." He said. Him acknowledging a 'thank you' was new. I smile softly as we get into his room.

Since then, Qi, Liang, and especially Upa have been protective of me. Since I never did anything wrong, they let me back to school. They did also allow Upa to stay with me to 'make sure I didn't do anything bad'. Which, I guess is fair. I'm just glad he gets to stay with me.

I was standing near my class, waiting for it to start. This was the one time Ups wasn't with me. So it surprised me when I felt him grab my hand to get my attention. I look down at him. He replaced his hand with something then he walks off. I raise a brow and look at my hand. There was a small box.

I open the box and there was a [Bracelet/necklace/earrings/ring]. It was beautiful. I smile softly at it and put it/[them] on.

I walk into lunch and see Upa, I smile and walk over to him. "Hey there." He turns to me, sees the jewelry piece, blushes a bit and look away. I chuckle at this, he was so cute. "Thank you for this." I tell him and he nods. "Don't mention it." He crosses his arms.

I put a hand on his head and mess up his hair. "You're cute Upa, you know that?" I smile at him. He swats my hand away, blushing and I laugh a bit. "Hey, can you meet me on top of the train tonight?" I ask him. He looks up at me, confused. "Yeah, why?" I start to walk off. "You'll see."

I was sitting on the top of the train. As each moment passed, I grew more and more nervous. I started second guessing if I should tell him or not. I hear something behind me and look over. I see Upa getting up and then sit beside me. "You wanted to talk?" He questioned, not looking at me. I nod and also look off.

"I..I honestly have no idea how to tell you.." I tell him truthfully. He grew a little annoyed. "Then why call me here?" I shrugged. "Because if I didn't ask you then to meet me here, then I would never found another time to tell you how I feel about you." I say. He looks at me. "How you feel about me?" He titles his head a bit at me.

"Yes, Upa" I look at him and smile softly. Ready for rejection. "I really like you, you've done so much for me. You've always been there for me. I'm so grateful to have you with me. If it wasn't for you then I might just be dead. So thank you..I understand if you don't feel the same though."

Before I could think of anything, I felt a kiss on my cheek. I give Upa a shocked look. "Of course I feel the same you dumbass." He said. I smile and hug him. He was shocked at first but hugs back. Both of us smiling.

I hope I never lose him.

Words: 1894

Sorry this one is shorter than the others. I hope you enjoyed this though! Sorry for any mistakes in this! I was doing many things throughout writing this. Anyway,

Byyyeeeeeeee! 😁💝🌹

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