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'Deeks, are you okay?' Kensi asked.

'Oh ow, ow! I think something might be wrong with my foot!' Deeks exclaimed in pain.

'Can you walk?'

'I don't think so, no.'

'I'll call an ambulance'

It was revealed later on that Deeks was going to have to be on crutches for a couple of weeks.

At home

'Sorry I couldn't catch the bad guy. I swear I didn't see that tiny thing in my way.' Deeks said.

'It's okay. We later caught him anyway. Do you want something to drink?' Kensi asked.

'Not to worry! I can get it myself!'

Deeks managed to get himself to the fridge to get water. And brought the water bottle back by carrying it in his teeth.

'See? No problem!'

Kensi didn't look convinced.

The next couple of weeks passed painfully slow. Deeks didn't like being limited to his abilities to move around or do things, and Kensi didn't like having to do everything for him.

The night before getting his cast off

'Gonna be so nice being able to walk normally again!' Deeks said.

'And it's going to be nice not having to do everything for you!' Kensi replied.

'Hey uh, listen. I know this has been a rough couple of weeks for you, given you having to take care of me. But, I appreciate all of your efforts.'

'Thanks, that means a lot.'

'What do you think I should do with this cast? Keep it as some kind of trophy to remind me of what I overcame?'

'Oh brother, Deeks!' Kensi thought, trying not to snicker.

Bad Things Happen Bingo, NCIS LA editionWhere stories live. Discover now