Broken Nose

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It was just an ordinary day at the office. The boys were out in the field, the techies and Hetty were in OPS.

'How's it going, Mr. Beale?' Hetty asked.

'So far so good.' Eric said in reply.

'Good. Good.'

2 minutes later, Eric got an alert from Callen saying to call an ambulance.

'Who's been hurt?' Hetty asked.


'What?! But how?!'

'Callen says the suspect got um, feisty. And in the midst of the fight, the suspect busted his nose really good!'

'Oh my! Well, keep me informed. I got something to do.'

At the boatshed

Sam was questioning the suspect, and Callen was keeping watch outside the door. Then Hetty walked in looking really mad.

'Whoa whoa whoa! I know you're really ticked off, but you can't beat this guy up because he's important to our case!' Callen said while talking fast.

'He beat up my husband! How do you think I feel?!' Hetty shouted.

'I get it, I get it! But we've got to stay calm right now.'

'Sigh. How's Owen?' Hetty asked.

'His nose looked really bad, could be broken. I'll know more in a bit.'

Later on, they found out he had a slightly broken nose and was staying overnight at the hospital.

That night at the hospital

'Hey dear, how are you feeling?' Hetty asked.

'Like I've been pancaked. That punch really hurt.' Granger responded. 'I look terrible, don't I?'

'Eh. Your nose doesn't look half bad!'

(Sarcastically) 'How comforting.'

'You'll be glad to know that, Mr. Callen stopped me from beating that thug up.' Hetty said.

'Bet that was hard to hear.'

'Hey, no one messes with you, except for me!'

Bad Things Happen Bingo, NCIS LA editionWhere stories live. Discover now