19.- Happy Birthday Harry

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Harry dressed in a simple white buttoned-down shirt with a black loose tie and black trousers.

While Zayn dressed in a black T-shirt, black jeans and a blue blazer with his sleeves rolled.

"Love, you look... gorgeous. " Harry said amazed by Zayn's beauty.

"Fanks, babe, youh look gud too." He said and smirked.

That night at 11:12 pm Harry will ascend and he wasn't so excited about it, the feeling was bittersweet.

He was only thinking about Zayn and that these might be, his last hours with him.

He didn't know what to expect and was worried about the outcome of the encounter with Chase that night.

They leave Zayn's house to meet the boys at Harry's. It was the first time Zayn was going to be there and he was nervous.

"Are you alright love? You haven't said a word in a while." Harry said.

"Mmh...Imma a little nervous." He answered.

"Don't be. Everything will be alright. We'll be fine." Harry said and kissed Zayn's hand.

Harry opened the big gate and entered a large driveway with a fountain in the middle, at the end was a manor with big windows and classic white columns.

"We're here," Harry said.

"Wow... your house it's really beautiful." He said in awe. "It would be awesome to draw it..." he said whispering.

"You'd like that? Sure, just let me know love." He said kissing the back of his hand and hopping out of the car, quickly opening Zayn's door.

They walked towards the big entrance.

"Harry... it's good to have you here." Thomas said opening the double doors for him.
"Sir." He nodded at Zayn.

"Zayn, he's Zayn, Thomas. By the way, he loved your roses." He said winking at him breaking the seriousness a little.

"They were beautiful indeed. Nice to meet youh Thomas." Zayn said.

"Nice to meet you, sir... Zayn," he responded. "Everybody is waiting for you in the living room." He continued.

"Thanks, Thomas," Harry said walking through the threshold and giving him their coats.

"Come love, over here," Harry said holding Zayn's hand in his.

"Mother..." he approached Anne and kissed her cheek and hold her.

"He's Zayn. Zayn, Anne, my mother."

"Nice to meet you, dear." She said giving him a hug and kissing his cheek.

"Likewise ma'am." He said nodding at her.

"So, he's the young boy that makes you smile so much baby?" Anne asked Harry.

"Mother..." he said rolling his eyes and blushing a little.

"Alright, alright. I won't say anything else." She said.

"Hey mate. Zayn." Niall said approaching them.

"Harry, mate. Hey Zayn." Louis said holding Harry.

"How's Liam? Do you know something new?" Harry asked.

"We know he's stable now. Nothing else since a couple of hours ago." Niall said.

"Good." Harry sighed.

"Let us help you mate, we can go with you. Harry, you cannot do this alone." Louis said.

"He'll kill us all, including you. Liam was the final warning." Harry answered.

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