Chapter 14~ Stars' Answers

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Stars' Answers

"Don't ever bring that incident up, and stop bringing Blue into this every time you don't have a point to make. We have a patient on that O.R. table fighting to stay alive and we're here arguing. Do you see how ridiculous this is becoming?"

Blue sat on Dr. Argent's couch, pouring out as much as she could to the therapist without giving away too much at the same time as well. She revealed how Leland was meddling in with the diagnostics team, and it was certainly disrupting her mental peace in addition to the already disruptive myriad of changes.

"I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Bloom has been turning the pressure up on the diagnostics team, Dr. Hunter." Dr. Argent sympathized briefly. "I've heard about it in passing as well, and it certainly can't be easy especially on you and Dr. Ramsey after having to bid farewell to two team members not too long ago.

"Yeah..." Blue nodded distantly, keeping her voice as levelled as possible. "It's just been way too many things all at once, I don't know where to start at all." she lamented.

"Okay, why don't we start with the present. What's wrong right now? What set the trigger for you today?" Dr. Argent asked. Blue gave her a quick overview of Francis' mysterious symptoms and her inability to turn up any hints of the cause which was ultimately what made her frustrations explode all at once.

"The worst part is, I'm out of ideas." Blue told her with a defeated sigh. "Everything it made sense to test for, even some things that really didn't make sense, came back negative." Dr. Argent nodded with understanding, her gaze thoughtful for a moment.

"Maybe what you need is a shift in perspective." she said after a brief moment. "You've been looking at this for too long." The therapist checked her watch for a moment, before looking up at Blue. "Like I said earlier, I don't have any patients till after lunch, but are you busy right now?" she asked. Blue shook her head.

"Nope. Technically my shift has not started yet. I just came earlier to see if we finally got any results." Blue replied with a sheepish smile as her therapist shook her head with playful disapproval.

"Always the hard-worker..." she chuckled a little. While she admired this particular trait of her patient, as a psychologist she knew more than anyone the detrimental effects of being such a person. Especially someone who had gone through what Blue had a few months ago, the trauma from the attack still leaving a lasting impression on everyone, especially the person who was directly involved. "Since you're free as well, how about I take you to the gym downstairs?"

"How would that help?" Blue asked with raised eyebrows.

"I recommend it to patients with overwhelming stress all the time. " Dr. Argent replied.

"Exercise, hmm? I can think of better stress relievers." Blue laughed softly, clearly lazy to exercise early in the morning. Ever since Edenbrook reopened, she had stopped exercising with the 'Gym Boys' on Tuesdays as all of them had gotten slightly more busier in the morning and more available in the evenings instead. Therefore, Blue usually opted to work out in the evenings, more frequently than not with Ethan in his apartment, which of course once again, more frequently than not lead to other forms of exercises. "Have you ever heard of the 'entire pint of ice-cream' method? Oh, or binging reality T.V., that's always a good one."

"Don't try to weasel you're way out of this. Doctor's orders." Dr. Argent laughed, glad to see the pep in Blue's demeanor again. When Blue was first brought in for therapy to her, the then second-year resident was devoid of almost all emotions. She had tried to hide the actual magnitude of her trauma and inner turmoil from the whole incident for several weeks. Until one day she had finally opened up, only then making the therapist realize that her trauma ran even far back since her brother's death. Once the built-up dam in Blue had been released, Dr. Argent was able to see more of Blue's actual personality. A witty, bright and extremely intelligent woman, While as a doctor she was supposed to treat all patients equally, Dr. Argent could not help but really like Blue as a person and as a friend as well. "Besides, you need a balance of stress relief." she told Blue, standing up from her chair. "Work up enough of an appetite working out and you can eat two pints of ice-cream in a sitting."

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