Chapter 9~ Mysteries Within

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Mysteries Within

"I guess it's a reminder that everyone's got another side to them. Even Bloom."

An hour after that conversation with Ethan, Blue was coming out of a patient's room that she was assigned to when she spotted Rafael speaking enthusiastically with a rather muscular man who looked vaguely familiar...

Rafael turned to notice Blue walking his way and he immediately waved her over excitedly with a grin. "Blue-- I mean, Dr. Hunter! May I present you to the Pedro Cruz.

"Pleasure to meet you, Dr. Hunter." Pedro greeted her with a charming smile on his chiseled features.

"You might recognize Pedro as the pitcher for the Marauders." Rafael introduced them.

"Wonderful to meet you, Mr. Cruz." Blue smiled at him, clearly recognizing him from some of the matches she had watched with Elijah whenever the Nighthawks were playing.

"Likewise!" Pedro smiled back politely. "I guess you must get a lot of athletes coming in for treatment, huh?" he asked due to her composed reaction.

"She was the one who had treated Jake Sandburg from Nighthawks when he had collapsed mid-game about two years ago. It was kind of a big deal in the sports world." Rafael said and Blue had to stifle her laughter at her friend's excitement as he rambled to one of the players from his favourite baseball team.

"No way! That was you?" Pedro gaped in awe. "Guess you're more of a Nighthawks fan then, I assume."

"Sort of, yeah. I am." Blue chuckled before pointing at Rafael. "But Rafael here is a huge Marauders fan."

"I was just telling Pedro about my pennant collection." Rafael laughed along with the pitcher who looked at his watch with a regrettable reaction.

"Well, I'd better get going." Pedro told the. "It was nice to meet you, Dr. Hunter. Raf, I'll see you here in two days!"

"Remember, no over-extending the shoulder, and no lifting that arm over chest height." Rafael instructed the athlete before grinning. "And remember, when you need a drink of water or something--"

"I know, I know..." Pedro chuckled. "Don't raise a glass, just do a keg stand instead. On it!" He laughed again and waved goodbye to the both of them before leaving. Rafael waved goodbye, a giant child-like grin on his face.

"The local sports legend, huh?" Blue turned to Rafael with an amused smile playing on her lips. "Will you be able to handle it without going full-on fanboy?" she teased.

"You saw me just now. Clearly, I won't." Rafael chuckled with a shake of his head. "I'm a huge fan of the Marauders, and of Pedro particularly. He does a ton of good in the community."

"Just make sure you don't get so caught up in geeking out over baseball with him that you forget to do his therapy." Blue joked, nudging his arm playfully as he reached up to ruffle her hair fondly.

"Don't worry." he replied. "I save up all my fanboying for after our sessions are over. He's a huge star, but... it feels like we kind of hit it off? I know that sounds silly." he told her.

"Anyone who doesn't hit it off with you has issues that can't be fixed with physical therapy." Blue chuckled.

"Just don't tell Pedro that." Rafael joked back. "I want him to think that everything can be fixed with physical therapy alone."

"Your secret's safe with me." Blue responded. She smiled as he waved goodbye to her to get back to the rehabilitation department again. Rafael had truly come a long way. From being the resident Superman who took several risks without thinking about his own well-being, to almost seeing death's door a number of times, to now someone who was working with the biggest stars to help them get better again. Blue was really proud of him for achieving so much and overcoming so many obstacles.

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