Chapter 5

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Humans have no limit to possibilities
so don't limit yourself.
~Carena12 .

The grand hall was illuminated with bright overhanging chandeliers. It was lavishly decorated with precious white roses to fit the theme of the celebration. Waiters and waitresses were bustling around being extra careful not to bump into or spill anything on the carefully dressed guests who were chatting idly.

This was the sight that met Brown's eyes when she entered the grand hall where Lacy's opening banquet was being held. She was huffing and puffing by the time she got to the hall because she was made to go through a series of checks and and screening despite having an invitation card as if she was going to meet the president himself. The fifteen years old Brown would have been stunned silly by the sheer display of wealth but she was no longer that naive little girl.

Brown's attention was caught by a shriek that sounded behind her in the hall and she turned around just in time to see a lady with flaming red hair approaching at top speed. She was oblivious as to who she was until the person crashed into her arms and exclaimed "Brown!".

Brown went still for a moment before she pulled back and accessed the person, she pulled her back into her embrace after confirming her identity and cried " Oh my God Alexis, I've missed you so much". With that she released Alexis for the second time happily.

Alexis Williams was stunned silly at Brown's reaction and asked incredously "You did?".

Brown burst out laughing at Alexis' stunned face and replied " Of course I did. I tried to call you numerous times but it never went through and it wasn't until last month that I found out your family had relocated to France".

"Oh nevermind then, but Lacy said you had refused her invitation because you couldn't leave rehab yet. So I thought I'd come in your place and give her a piece of my mind". Alexis stated with her beautiful green eyes glistening.

Brown was confused for a moment before she replied skeptically " Really? I've not been in contact with Lacy ever since the incident though".

Alexis knew something was fishy when she saw Brown's confused look but she brushed it off and took hold of Brown's hand " The most important thing is that you're fine. We've got a lot of catching up to do ".

Brown was grateful that Alexis had not asked for the reason behind her insistent calls . Alexis had been just about the only person besides Brown's parents who treated her sincerely when she first became part of the Hudgens family but Brown pushed her away and called her bluff . This was because Lacy always told her the only reason Alexis was always around her was because Alexis wanted to impress Perla and that Perla loved Alexis way more than she loved Brown .

Coupled with the fact that Perla loved to call Alexis her little mermaid, Brown wanted nothing to do with Alexis. She only realized that Alexis had been her guardian angel all along when she found out Alexis had been protecting her from all the hate and gossip she'd accumulated over the years due to her bitchy attitude. She also found out that Alexis was the only one who stood up for her when everyone was mocking her after getting her heart broken by Kent.

Brown and Alexis were so caught up in their reunion that they failed to notice that the commotion had attracted the attention of a lot of people especially that of the woman of the hour, Lacy.

Lacy Hills' vibrant blue eyes widened at the sight of the last person she expected to see a her wedding banquet. She
was draped in a tight fitting red dress with a deep v- neck that accentuated her figure with a matching set of jewelry.

" Brown?" Lacy's voice came out as a shriek instead of the inquiring tone she had intended as she approached Brown and Alexis.

Brown turned around to face Lacy with a light smile on her face. "Hey Lace, congratulations on your wedding" . Brown's voice was neither humble nor overbearing. It was as if the person standing before her was a business partner she was congratulating.

Lacy did not bother to acknowledge Brown's greeting and asked directly "What are you doing here?" She obviously couldn't remain as calm as Brown.

Brown furrowed her brows at Lacy's question and manner of speaking but covered it up quickly and waved the invitation card at Lacy and answered "You invited me remember?".

"You're supposed to be at rehab". Lacy stated again. She was beginning to loose her cool in front of the composed Brown.

"Well she's out now" Alexis chimed in throwing a dirty glare in Lacy's direction.

Lacy return Alexis' glare and turned to face Brown again. She was irked at Brown's newfound ability to keep her cool in a confrontation and Alexis'constant butting in.

"I didn't think you would be able to come in your condition but looks like I worried my head over nothing". Lacy gave Brown a superficial smile and continued "But the villa is currently full and so I can't include you in the camp. You didn't bring your bags along did you?. She finished off with an innocent smile.

Alexis narrowed her eyes at Lacy's blatant provocation and asked " Are you trying to tell me you invited guests to your overly lavish wedding without preparing a place for everyone? Just admit you're sacking her".

Lacy placed her left hand over her heart just enough to flash Brown her large engagement ring and said in a voice that sounded as if she was shocked that Alexis would assume that of her " I would never do that to my best friend but my hands are tied"

Alexis scoffed at Lacy's performance and remarked drily "You already stole her boyfriend what else would you not do?"

Lacy's face paled and she gave Alexis a dirty look that clearly indicated that she would have slapped her if it wasn't her wedding banquet but before she could say anything else , Brown who had been quiet all this while held Alexis back and smiled at Lacy. " Don't worry your head over nothing, I'll find a place close to the villa to stay. I wouldn't miss your wedding for anything in this world".

With that she steered Alexis away before the latter decided to bash Lacy there and then.


Vote and comment. By the way what do you guys think about the new cover???? 😍. Tell me in the comments.

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