Chapter 8

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  You owe it to yourself to always be    happy.

   The Regalia Empire was by far the most influential and sought after group of companies in the country and its environs. Their main focus had been jewelry for many years until it widened it's scope of operations. Many people had thought it was a risky endeavour that was going to endanger the century old company but they were proved wrong when Regalia surpassed all their competitors. Some of which roots were deeply rooted in their operations.

      Their main building sat at the very centre of the city . Thousands of people fought tooth and nail everyday to enter the company even if it meant working as a cleaner. The empire valued ability above all things. The was a strict hierarchy in there and one's worth was gauged by the number of floors they could access in the company. The number of people on each floor dwindled the higher one climbed. The people that could work on the very top floors were naturally the cream of the crop.

  On the highest floor was a seat lots of people wanted , feared and admired . It was a seat people were ready to kill for. The seat of the President. At the moment it was being occupied by Alessio Damiani . He was just fifteen when he was thrown into Regalia by his father who was the president at the time. Being the son of the president did not guarantee preferential treatment or a seat at the peak.  One thing Alessio hated for sure was being told what to do and how to live his life. He figured the only way to gain control was to sit at the peak . So he did just that. He climbed up steadily with sheer will and determination. By age eighteen, he was the Vice President. His father gracefully stepped down from the position of President the day he turned twenty.

   Alessio sat at his desk with a document in hand. He gave off a laid-back aura and his normally arrogant and cold look was nowhere to be seen. There were a lot of files arranged in an orderly manner on his worktable waiting to be reviewed. His slender fingers tugged at his collar and popped open one button followed by another one to reveal his fair neck and Adam's apple. Anyone present would have noticed that this action added a layer of sexiness to his languidness.

   His suit had long been discarded onto his beige couch which blended well with the neutral tones of the office decor. His interior designers had wanted to design the office in bright colours but after he fired the first batch they wisely left it at neutral. The presence of an adjoining room indicated the sheer amount of time he spent in the office. Just as he flipped a page of the document he was reading, his intercom buzzed and his secretary's voice sounded in the office. “Sir, Mr Regnante is here to see you ”.
The secretary's voice was melodious and professional but at this moment it also carried a hint of helplessness. That same helplessness was present on Alessio's face when he answered “Let him in”.

   Almost immediately, Alessio's office door swung open and a flamboyantly dressed man stepped into the office. It was like he knew Alessio wouldn't refuse him entry . The bright colours he had on gave his striking features a boyish glow and just like Alessio, he emitted a noble aura from within. He spread his arms and beckoned to Alessio with a bright smile “ Alessio mon fratello”.

   Alessio huffed and threw the document in his hand on the table. He squinted at the bright coloured clothes “ Why are you here, aren't you supposed to be shooting a movie or something , Nicolas?”.

  Nicolas  Regnante sat down opposite and tried to rest his feet on Alessio's desk but the death glare he received made him retract his feet. He coughed awkwardly and asked “ What I can't check up on my best friend now?”.

He looked at Alessio's unfazed face and continued in an aggrieved voice  “ I rushed here from my shoot in these glaring clothes and this is how you treat me?”.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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