Her friend sighs, then wraps an arm around her shoulder, squeezing her into him, "Look... Speaking as your friendly neighbourhood queer; him being nervous to tell you... probably isn't to do with you." Jeff explains, "Take my mom, for example. She's never once shown any sign that she wouldn't have accepted me, but I was absolutely terrified of telling her I liked boys too."

Maya frowns, "I did always think that was weird."

"It is weird. But trust me, when you're in the middle of it, you don't always think logically. At the end of the day, you could be around the most loving and accepting people, but the minute this thing involves them and their family... it could change."

"You think that's what Benny is afraid of?"

Jeff nods, "And it has nothing to do with your character. There are too many stories of things going the exact opposite way to what people expect coming out. You just can't predict when it might be you in that situation."

Maya doesn't speak for a second, thinking about her situation, and Jefferson's words. It isn't often that the redhead is the voice of reason in their friendship. Maya is wiser, she has street-smarts and logic skills that Jeff wholeheartedly acknowledges that he lacks. It makes for a good dynamic, she's his confidant, and she likes it that way.

But, every once in a while, the roles are reversed, and Jeff proves why he's such a great friend. Everything Maya does for him; he pays back without question. And here he is, doing it again.

"Thank you, Jay." She says, wrapping her arms so tightly around him that she's sure his organs might burst.

"No problem." He responds, cuddling her back, "So, what are you gonna do?"

Maya shrugs, "If I want us to progress, I'll have to find a way to broach the subject without startling him, I suppose."

"Do you want the relationship to progress? It's okay if you don't. It doesn't mean you're a bad person, as long as you don't treat him like shit."

"I..." Maya frowns, "I do. I guess- I think I hate the idea of not being with him, no matter what. And that probably means I want the relationship to continue."

"Then what's the hesitation for?" Jeff's head tilts.

"This is going to sound awful... because it's none of my business, honestly..."

"Go on...?" The actor's eyes narrow. Maya isn't one to be closed minded, but he doesn't particularly like the way the sentence started.

"I wonder if he's afraid to have sex with me. And I'm assuming it's because his... parts are... different, to what I'd expect, right."

"I'd assume so." Jeff says, apprehensive.

"I don't know, or care, if he's had any surgery. But... I've never been with anyone who..."

"You worry that you won't be sexually compatible because you've only been with cisgender men." Jeff finishes, understanding what she's trying to say, "Do you worry that you won't enjoy it, or that you won't be good at it?"

"Both? The second one?" Maya sounds unconvinced, "I'm sure I'll like it. I mean, it's Benny, he's hot, and I'll like being with him, because it's Benny, not because of his sexual organs."

"Exactly." Jeff smiles, "So, why are you worried you won't be good at it. He'd probably say the same about you. It doesn't matter if you don't have experience. He's not going to suddenly kick you out just because you don't know exactly what you're doing."

"I know but I... I feel like I come across so put together. I hate not knowing how to handle situations. I hate not being in control. Not just with the sex, but with all of it. I feel like I'll look incompetent." Maya's face drops.

"Babe..." Jeff laughs, "Benny sounds like a smart guy. He's not gonna expect you to have dated a bunch of trans men before. I mean, you've never dated a Hawaiian guy before him, right?"

"Uh, no... But what has that got to do with it?" His best friend's brows furrow.

"It's the same concept. He's different to guys you've dated before, and you're aware of it. But he's still just a guy. Every time you learn something new about his Hawaiian heritage, you store it, and suddenly it's something you know about Benny. Same thing with his trans identity. It doesn't affect your relationship, but at the times when it matters, learn something from him, remember it, and it'll just be another part of the guy you love."

Holy shit, Maya thinks, staring at nothing in front of her while she listens to Jeffs words, when the hell did this guy get so wise?

"I bet you're wondering how I got so wise?" Jeff smirks in that handsome, arrogant way he does, then continues, "It's what happens when you fall in love with one of the most level-headed guys on the planet."


Kind of a heavy subject matter in this one guys. I'm not trans, nor do I  have any friends who have transitioned, so I had to do quite a bit of research to do Benny justice as a character. If there's anything incorrect, or poorly worded in this, please please let me know so I can fix it. I just wanted to include a character who people can relate to besides the characters we already have. 

Also the uses and mentions of Vietnamese in this are purely googled and anecdotal. I've heard that in many Asian households, like Black ones, food is a huge love language. So I wanted that to be a part of Maya's character. Once again, correct me on this please!!

bà nội = paternal grandfather (translation courtesy of google and various question forums. Please let me know if this is wrong!)

Serena x

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