"Suenas como un gato." You sound like a cat.

"Tienes la capacidad de atención de uno." You have the attention span of one.

"It has been over five minutes and I'm still wasting my limited attention span on this phone call."

"It's because you love me."

"I do not recall saying that."

"Your actions speak louder."

"Goodbye, Alvaro." He sighed and tapped the 'end call' button before Varo could say something else. The phone began to ring again before he could put it in his pocket.

"What do you want?" He asked politely.

"Calm your balls. You're going to enjoy what I'm about to tell you." Varo said excitedly and Tobias rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time.

"And if I don't?"

"Trust me, you will." Varo quickly replied making him sigh exasperatedly.

"Then talk." It better be good.

"I'll tell you when you get back." The lawyer quickly hung up with Tobias listening to the dead line in disbelief. That idiot.

He knew Alvaro was a massive pain in the ass most times and refrained from hopping into the car and going to give him a smack across the face. That can wait.

He stood up and entered the house again after sending a quick message to Clara regarding the messy situation in the house. She had contacts for these kinds of cleaning.

He carefully walked around the footprints in the kitchen to help himself with a bottle of water while spying for cameras. He knew something did not feel right. And he was hardly ever wrong.

He sighted an obviously placed mini-camera in between some artificial flowers and waved at it before crushing it to pieces with the bottle. Amateurs.

By the time he joined the group, the argument had died completely and all that could be heard was the loud buzz from the vault every time Eniola inserted her print.

"No luck yet?" He asked drawing their attention. Miguel was lazily making a paper airplane with the pieces of the shredded portrait while Luis was him and pointed out every single error he made. Vittore was standing next to Eniola, being useless as usual and Luca was sitting on the floor, petting a cat- A cat?

Tobias reached down to study the beautiful furrball. It had the shiniest dark fur and grey eyes that pierced into his, watching his every move.

"You didn't tell me you had a cat." He said, running his fingers behind the creature's ear. It purred as it pressed into his palm. He grinned.

I'm adopting you.

"I guess it didn't come up and came down to look for you a while ago." Eniola said before pressing her finger into the pad and letting out a frustrated groan when the buzzer went off again.

"Do you need anything?" He asked and she nodded, turning to face him.

"Yes, I was wondering if your fingerprint is still registered." He went quiet for a moment and stood to his feet. It did cross his mind once but he settled with the belief that she had made some changes.

"Did you make changes to the settings?" He asked and she shook her head, watching as he walked up to she and Vittore.

He stood a few inches away from Vittore and waited until he got the message that his presence there was unneeded. The Italian, however, maintained eye contact with him for a moment before going to join the rest.

Don Ferna (BWWM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon