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adjective ~ free from dirt, marks or stains

The end of the day soon approached us. To her word, Kate had removed my drips and brought me some chicken and vegetable soup with little croutons. I had eaten it slowly, taking my time as nausea crept up on me. It felt good to get some food, the taste explosion alone was incredible.

"You ready?" Phoenix asked.

I snapped from gazing out the window to see him standing waiting for me. I shook my head, apologising softly. Gripping the edge of the bed, I slowly shifted my weight onto my toes. Once the soles of my feet hit the tiles, I carefully slithered the rest of my butt from the edge of the bed until I was standing. I shakily exhaled, putting more weight into standing as my feet gripped the sheets.

"You're doing well." Phoenix praised. "You got to let go of the bed though."

I shot him a glare but it didn't even affect him. He was still stuck in the two-babies haze; nothing could bring his mood down. His broad grin as I took baby steps felt awful reminiscent of a child walking for the first time. I huffed as I took a step, my legs sore and aching with the movement. I was thankful that Phoenix tied the lower ribbons on the gown I wore, despite him saying it would be a good show.

"Five days in a bed will do that to anyone." He smirked. "Can you make it to the bathroom?"

I could see the itch in him to help me, but when it was mentioned that I had to walk and pee before I could leave, I was adamant to do it myself. Phoenix was hovering like a mother cat, waiting for me to stumble or fall so he could carry me there. But I wanted my bed, I wanted my home.

A painstaking walk later, I managed to get to the toilet. Another agonising minute later, I was finished and pulled myself back to standing. Warming up slightly, I made it back to the side of the bed with a victory cheer. Phoenix chuckled, coming up to hug me from behind. I melted into his body, laying my head against him.

"Good job." He murmured.

"Thanks." I grinned.

"Want to sit back down?" He wondered.

"Nope." I taunted. "I have been sitting on my ass for three weeks now, I want to move."

He frowned down at me but nodded in understanding and move away from me.

"Okay, but no gymnastics just yet." A new voice laughed.

Peering around Phoenix's wall of a body, my eyes met Kate's as she hurried into the room. She stopped at the foot of the bed, hands gripping the footboard as she smiled at me.

"Well, I take it you've walked and urinated."

My lips quirked in a smile. "Sure did."

"Well then, I have your discharge papers signed already." She smiled, shrugging. "As soon as I saw the determination in your eyes, I knew you'd accomplish it so did them early."

I blushed, laughing lightly as I nodded. "Thank you."

"I'll leave you to get dressed and see you both at the reception to check out."

Thanking her again, I watched as she walked from the room. My eyes were drawn to her bump, unable to comprehend how that would be me in a matter of months. Kate had said I was seven weeks, which gave me a due date of mid-April, which is extremely vague. Knowing nothing of Lycan pregnancies, nor werewolf-lycan pregnancies meant it would be hard to judge. Werewolves carried for six months, humans for nine, but we based my date on werewolves since Phoenix was from extremely strong, and egotistically boisterous, royal blood, as he liked to remind Kate.

Finding LunaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang