"Oh, Mr. Talis!" She didn't cheer up anymore at the fact he was there, in fact, she looked as if she was about to burst the worst news ever.

Well, she was, but it's whatever.

"I... er... there's something you probably should know about..." She began, and Jayce quickly grew interested. This obviously wasn't as important as other things, since the council would probably address it to him in a meeting or in private. However, he was, as he is most of the time, wrong.

"What is it, Ms. Young?" He leaned in a bit, she leaned back, but got the memo and grew closer to his ear. It wasn't really a secret, but it was worth letting out in a calm manner.

"It's Viktor." Oh shit.

"Hah... What about him?" Jayce seemed to be in utter disbelief, albeit the fact that he hadn't heard anything yet.

"He... He collapsed a few hours ago, while you were away. There's blood all over the area surrounding your workspace and it seems like he really needs you right now." Jayce was shocked to hear this, but he remained calm, hoping he wouldn't cause too much of a ruckus with what he was going to ask. "And I know what you're going to ask already. You can follow me." She turned around and began walking down the hall. Jayce clumsily followed.

"Won't this waste your time?" He worriedly asked, hoping that Sky wouldn't be wasting any of her work time by leading Jayce to a place which he probably could've led himself to.

"No, no. The entire council is in a sort of paralysis. Well, Heimerdinger is, at least. It's his assistant we're talking about. If anything, you and him know Viktor the best out of the entire council." Sky excused Jayces concerns and he sighed in relief. He didn't want to be a bother, he just wanted to be there for Viktor.

"Here you are." She held the door open for him and he felt as though he would throw up the dinner he ate last night.

He saw Viktor lying on a bed with an IV attached to him, something on his nose that was probably helping him breathe better, and he was wearing hospital-type clothing.

"Oh... oh my God..." He dismissed Sky and immediately went into the chair next to Viktors side.

"V... Viktor?!" He stammered as he tried to get the words out of his mouth and to the (probably) unconscious man on the bed.

He held his head in his hands and wiped some of the loose tears from his eyes. Viktor probably wouldn't want him crying.


"J... Jayce?" Viktor spoke softly, his voice breaking as he let out a breath immediately after calling out for his partner's name.

"Viktor!" He lightly stood up before sitting down again, realizing the sudden jerk of a movement.

"Viktor... the doctor's... they said you're..." Jayce wanted to get it out, but he couldn't do it.

Viktor sighed and stared up at the ceiling.

"How much time do I have left?" He turned back to Jayce, who's eyes widened in both fear and sadness.

"You have a lot of years left... enough years to fully outlive your life to the fullest." Jayce reassured the man, who let out a quick breath at the note. "Possibly enough to fulfill our Hextech Dream."

"Great dreamers' dreams are never fulfilled." Viktor looked to the ceiling once more, then he shut his eyes again.


A few days later in the lab, Viktor was sitting down in a chair, and Jayce was accommodating to his every need. It wasn't like he was injured, he was just in need of care from someone else for a change.

In Zaun, or in the Undercity, not many people got the help they needed or longed for. He was a lucky boy, being found under the rubble by the Enforcers and being brought here. He probably would've been off in the sky by now if it weren't for Piltover's clean air in contrast to the fissures filthy and toxic air.

"Viktor, you know how much I love you right? As a friend, a partner, an assistant..." Jayce suddenly blurted out.

"Of course. I've known that for about 5 years now." Viktor took a quick glance at Jayce pressing down on the handles controlling the Hextech Void before looking back at the window.

"Oh, really?" Jayce chuckled and let go of the handles. He took off his goggles and walked closer to Viktor.

"Hm, what about more than that? More than a friend, partner, or assistant?" Jayce didn't know when or where this confidence was coming from, but he rolled with it anyway.

Viktor spared a look at the man who was talking to him, registering what he was being told.

"Maybe?" Viktor shuffled awkwardly in his rolly chair.

"I love you so..." Jayce was about to rant on about his love for Viktor, but before he could do that:

"You have to do it." Viktor shook his head softly.

"Eh? Do what?" Jayce stopped to look at Viktor. He hadn't done so since he'd taken off his goggles.

"Let me go." Viktor breathed out, leaning against Jayce, uncalled for. 

"Vitya" :: Jayvik OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now