~Meeting-Chapter 2~

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A week had passed. Today was the day Volodymyr was going to meet and talk with Putin. He had tried his best to keep things as much as a secret from paparazzi etc, he had alot of other problems to deal with and did not want paparazzi to be one of them. Anyhow, this week did not feel like ages seeing how he had something relatively positive to look out to.
Which sounds weird, meeting Putin wasn't really connected with the words 'positive' or 'good'. Volodymyr also did not have the best bond with the man let's be honest but this could be a whole new chance for Ukraine. A better future, a future without having to worry about Russia storming in.

Him and Putin had decided that they where going to meet in Russia. It wasn't really the safest option for Volodymyr to be totally honest but was he really someone to go against Putin's words? No, he was not. He'd just have to survive while flying over the dangerous borders between Ukraine and Russia.
His plane would be departing in 30 minutes.
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Time Skip~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~
Volodymyr had arrived amd was sitting in a rather small room with two chairs in the middle of the room and a small table in the middle. He was waiting for Putin to arrive to start theyr meeting. Only a few seconds had passed when he heard the dark wooden doors open. He lifted up his head to see the one and only Putin standing in the door opening.
Seeing how this was the first time actually seeing Putin in real life he was quite flabbergasted to say the least. The man definitely wasn't bad or ugly but this was his enemy, the man who was invading his country.
What was he thinking? Did he find him attractive?....
No ofcourse not! It where just random thoughts floating in his head due to all of the recent events and stress he had been experiencing. He wasn't in the right mind to think but he had to concentrate. The future and safety of his country was at hand.

Only a few seconds had passed when Volodymyr realized Putin was still standing in the door opening.
Was he supposed to say anything?
Greet him?
Had he been staring at Putin this whole time?
He had hadn't he.
Luckily for him Putin broke down the incredibly akward silence by saying the first words.
"Greetings, Zelensky"
Putin sat down on the other chair across the small table looking at Volodymyr expecting.
Putin once again broke the silence, since Volodymyr was still just sitting there without moving a muscle or saying a word.
"What is it you want to discuss?"
Putin said stiff, staring in front off him not looking at Volodymyr.
Volodymyr on the other hand could not keep his eyes of the elderly man sitting next to him. Said man seemed to notice and gave him a side eye. "What is it you want to discuss?" He once again asked , although it sounded more like a command than a question. Volodymyr had finally built up the courage to speak and answered: "I wanted to discuss our past experiences and opinions face to face"
A soft grunt could be heard from the other, not seeming to be intrested in this topic.
"Ukraine and Russia have been enemies for ages why want to change things now?"
Volodymyr gulped was Putin right? Where did this sudden urge to meet him emerge from? Why was it that he suddenly wanted to change things from how they where before?
No, he must not let Putin get his way so easily.
"I think the recent invasions and rallies have been useless, i want to talk things out instead of fighting." Volodymyr said trying to sound as confident as possible. Although every word that came out of his mouth was said with insecurity, he tried to make it sound like he meant those words.

"Give us all of our land back and by all i mean all of Ukraine, there said with words are we done?" Putin stated. He sounded unbothered by this whole situation and treated it like some kind of game he did not take a single word Volodymyr had said seriously . And it made him irritated, this old bastard who did he think-
No, he could not let the rage get to his head. He had to find a solution without fighting or aggression, but this old bastard was making it painfully difficult for him to come with new solutions.
"i-" Volodymyr tried before the other cut him of "I think it's better we keep it like this Zelensky, i do not see why 'speaking' is necessary to make a solution. I've listened to what you want and honestly"
He chuckled standing up and walking directly infront of the younger male

"It's pathetic."

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