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Volodymyr sat tiredly behind his desk, the past few months have been tiring due too the differences with Russia. He had just gotten the news that Russia had invaded Ukraine and Volodymyr was hopeless.

He couldn't give that old bastard Vladimir Putin his way by giving in, but was a war really worth it?
He was clueless on what to do, ofcourse Ukraine had allies but was he really going to involve other countries and people in this?
Russia is still extremely powerfull and mighty, and Volodymyr knew that Vladimir Putin would do whatever is takes to get his plan working.

Volodymyr once again read through the paperwork and declaration's infront of his face, when he came to a conclusion on what he would do.
He was going to meet Vladimir Putin eye to eye, all the paperwork he had gotton from him was not clear to Volodymyr.He did not know what Vladimir really wanted so he would just ask him.
Volodymyr sighed, was this really the correct decision?

Would Putin really agree is what mostly bothered him. I mean would Vladimir Putin the mighty leader of Russia really agree to talk to him? It was worth a try, it's not like Volodymyr had any other ideas on what to do.
Still was this really worth it? He could be risking even more, or nothing would change and he would stand infront of this difficult situation once again. I mean from what he heard Putin wasn't the most approachable person.
Volodymyr was told that Putin was cold,rude and emotionless. But nonetheless those could just be rumours right? He himself never met Putin, i mean he ofcourse exchanged emails, letters and such. But he had never met Putin face to face.

Volodymyr started writing a response to Putin's letters..

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