~His response-Chapter 1~

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Volodymyr was once again sitting at his desk in his office.
Since Volodymyr sent his response to Putin three weeks had passed,and it was eating him up alive. Why was it taking this old man so long to give a goddamn response? Or are there more important businesses he was busy with?
Anyhow it's not like he wanted to talk to Putin,he just wanted information and clues on what to do. Still it also wouldn't be totally out of character for Putin to just ignore his letter. The ignorant bastard, Volodymyr at first wasn't to annoyed to meet with Putin. But three weeks was way to long, seeing how the response Volodymyr had given was short.

He just felt like Putin was ignoring him but what could he do? He couldn't just storm into Russia. On the other hand he needed a response and fast, Russian troupes where getting closer and closer into Ukraine. Volodymyr was trying his best to keep Russia away in the most peaceful way. But the Russian military was not there to play around, they where using brute force. It was getting harder and harder for Volodymyr to not get agresive against them. He had to stay calm and try to end this conflict the normal way, no wounded no injuries.

It's not like Volodymyr wanted this to happen, he knew how dangerous it was to get into conflict with Russia. Their military was definitely stronger than Ukrain's, the country had more allies and more power. But still Volodymyr couldn't give up, he will try to talk to Putin he wanted to make things right. Not for the sake of being in peace with that old bastard, but for the safety of country.
He would protect his land and country no matter how hard Putin tried to invade.

A knock on the door was heard.
Volodymyr stood up from his desk chair and opened the door,hoping for a letter from a certain country leader. His assistant was stood infront of his door, holding a envelope. Volodymyr looked at it with widened eyes, could this finally be the letter he was expecting for these past three weeks? The assistant noticed Volodymyr staring at the envelope expecting some kind of information from her.
"From Vladimir Putin sir" He quickly took the letter. "Thank you, you may leave" After the assistant walked away, he quickly sat down behind his desk chair.

Putin actually sent a response.
He sighed knowing this could change history depending on the answer. His hands slighty trembling knowing the future of Ukraine depended on this particular letter.
He opened the envelope, taking the letter inside.
Volodymyr quickly read through all of it, sometimes re-reading parts.
The letter wasn't long nor was it special, it was a short and clear response.

He had agreed.

Vladimir Putin himself personally wrote a response to him, he accepted to meet him face to face. He agreed to meet eachother a week away from now. Volodymyr wasn't actually free that day but let's be real here this was way more important than whatever the other appointment was could wait. He wasn't really excited but he just wanted to know if his country was going to be safe and if they could make an agreement someway.

But once again Volodymyr had another problem: He had to find out how to come to an agreement with Putin and end this maddness.
He knew it was going to be difficult seeing how Putin's and his opinions where extremely different. They have never been on good terms but it was worth a try.

Maybe he could pursue him in some kind of way?

Oh how wrong he was.

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