"Oh." Lizzie softly said.

"I'm sure that Alice can figure something out." Nate said with a shit eating grin and she threw a glare at him.

"Please." The girl said with wide eyes.

"Oh, okay. Give me a minute." Alice closed her eyes as she tried to rack her brain for something to sing and then after a few minutes, she softly started to hum which turned into actual singing and Nate and Lizzie both watched as the girl sung a song that neither of them recognized. It didn't take very long for Lizzie's eyes to finally close. Nate managed to get up from the bed without waking her and nodded to Alice and left their room. It was getting worse, he realized.

A wave of nausea suddenly hit him and he reached out to balance himself against the wall as he tried to breathe and coughed a few times into his other hand, he pulled it back to look down at what just came out of his mouth and saw red. That definitely wasn't good. He dragged himself back to his room and almost made it before he collapsed onto the floor and his vision faded to black.

He wasn't sure how long it had been before he was picked up and he regained consciousness. He glanced up and noticed Glenn was pulling him up and setting him into the bottom bunk and saw Hershel, of all people right behind him.

"Hershel?" Nate gasped, rubbing his hand over his face. "What happened?" He glanced over at Glenn who settled a few steps behind Hershel with his arms crossed.

"You passed out." Glenn said and Nate just barely remembered leaving Alice's room and not much after that.


"Drink this." Hershel handed him a tin cup and Nate didn't even hesitate before trying to down it and immediately pulled away, wincing at the heat of it.

"Ow, what the fuck?" He exclaimed, putting his fingers to his lips, making Glenn laugh. He threw a glare towards the other.

"Nathaniel." Hershel chastised, making Nate immediately roll his eyes.

"You still could've warned me." His voice was low, too low but he drank the tea anyways. He screwed his face up again at the taste of it, but he drank the whole cup and handed it over once he was done with it. "What are you doing in here anyways?"

"Helping the best way I know how." The old man replied, taking the cup again and rinsing it out before placing it back in his bag and Nate tried to make himself more comfortable.

"It's getting worse, isn't it?" Hershel hesitated before nodding.

"Daryl and Michonne went for a run to get medicine, it might take awhile but they'll get it." Hershel told them, looking back around at Glenn.

"Well they better hurry their asses up then." Nate muttered.

"Do you want to help me with my runs if you're feeling up to it?" Glenn's eyes flickered over to Nate but he nodded and uncrossed his arms. The two left Nate alone then.

It had been a few hours, when Nate woke up again with yet another coughing attack, he picked up the glass of water on the table next to him and downed it. He wiped his hand across his mouth to dry it and then he stood up when he heard someone else coughing loudly. He pulled himself out of the room and headed towards the source. He found Lizzie, a few rooms over. The man was laying on the floor on his side, coughing up blood and once he realized that it was Glenn, Nate gasped in shock and slid onto his knees. Lizzie looked scared out of her mind and she glanced back at Nate in fear.

"Glenn!" He exclaimed, he quickly turned Glenn onto his back and quickly looked around and saw one of the plastic tubes that helped people breathe, he placed it around Glenn's head and began squeezing it after ten seconds. "Take deep breaths, come on man." He still had his hand on his shoulder and Glenn's eyes focused on him and he let out a deep breath through his nose and then the coughing quieted. Nate let out a sigh of relief once it started working, but a movement out of the corner of his eyes made him look up and the person on the bed had dropped their arm and Nate realized it was a walker.

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