"Hallo~ Mikey-kun~" Meiko cooed, having snuck up upon the distracted teen, to press up a nice cool plastic bag up to the side of the boy's face. "..."

"..." There was a moment of silence before the teen jumped at the sudden cool touch to his face, and melodic cooing in his ear. "Gah! Ei-chan! The hell!" Mikey snapped, turning to glare at the grinning girl as he tried to rub warmth back into his almost frozen cheek. "That's cold!"

"Ehehehe, that's the point." Meiko laughed, waving the small bag in the boys. "Here, any chance you like Ice Taiyaki?" She cutely asked with a tilt of her head, watching as Mikey eyes came alive with childish awe and mirth as he realized what it was she had pushed up against his face to startle him.

"Yes! Wahoo!!" He almost seemed to squeal to Meiko, as he took the packaged treat from her hands and held it up in victory, "I absolutely love Taiyaki! Ei-chan you're the best!" Tearing the back open he took a big bite out of the ice cream equivalent of his favorite treat. "So good!"

Smiling at the boy's enjoyment of her impromptu gift, Meiko quickly vaulted over the bench's back to sit next to the blonde. "So Mikey, long time no see. Where have you been?" She began to ask, "I haven't seen either you or Draken since..." Her smile slightly dropped, and Mikey himself paused mid-bite to glare at the ground before them.

"Since Pah turned himself in..." He angrily muttered as Meiko nodded sadly.

"Yeah..." She sent the teen a quiet side glance as she noticed him quietly glare at the space ahead. She slowly began to open her mouth, "Mi–"

"So how have you and Takemitchy been?" He suddenly asked, now smiling at the girl.

Meiko frowned though as she realized the boy was trying to redirect the conversation. "We've been good, all things considered." She decided to reply, "Michi was actually only out for a day after the incident, but the doctors had him stay a bit in the hospital to make sure his head was okay before sending him home." She explained as the boy nodded.

"I see, that's understandable." He took another bite from his Ice Taiyaki, "I'm glad to hear he's doing alright. Maybe I should go visit him and see if he wants to hang out?" He casually wondered as Meiko smiled at the blonde.

"He's currently got some of our friends over right now, but I'm sure none of them would mind if you wanted to hang out."

He grinned at this, "Great! I'll do just that then." He said, before smiling at her hopefully. "Will you hang out with us too Ei-chan?"

Shaking her head, Meiko could only smile apologetically at Mikey. "Hmm. Sorry Mikey, I already made plans with the girls." He pouted at this, opening his mouth more than likely to whine at the girl's rejection only to stop as she flicked his forehead. "And no~ I am not just gonna change plans with Emma-chan and the others just cause you wanna be an attention whore."

"Hmph." He turned his head away pouting, "Ei-chan is so mean! I swear that's why you and Ken-chi–" He stopped mid-sentence and fell silent. Meiko smiled sadly as she realized who it was Mikey was going to bring up.

"Why me and Draken get along?" She asked with a tilt of her head, as the boy refused to look at her. Looking ahead at the playground she smiled nonetheless, "I mean, you're not wrong I guess. The two of us are sorta the de facto mom friends of our groups, and we sorta have the same thought process of being blunt and brutally honest when we need to be."

At this Mikey's head whipped towards the dark-haired girl with a glare, "That's not true!" Meiko looked at the teen confused and shocked, "Ei-chan is nothing like that jerk Ken-chin!" He almost shouted, looking down at his finished ice treat he gripped the empty package harshly. "Ei-chan... Ei-chan's totally different from Ken-chin." He grumbled as Meiko frowned at the boy.

Butterfly kisses and Flower petal wishesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora