50 Red Handed

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"Didn't he ask anything regarding?"

"Nope... he won't..."

"The trust he has in you is amazing"

"He will feel bad for Shashi uncle" Arnav said feeling sad.

"Won't Garima aunty and Khushi Bhabi feel bad?" Aman sighed.

"Definitely they will... this is injustice... I just want to break Kailash's face" Arnav said furiously.

"You can do it if you get a chance"

Arnav looked at the watch. The time was 10:30.

"Why hasn't Roy called me yet?" he said restlessly.

"Shall I call Roy's assistant?" Aman asked.

"Wait for fifteen minutes...then call"

Aman nodded ok. Arnav leaned on the seat.

In the meanwhile,

Neerav knocked on Anup's PA Mr. Saxena's residence door. a woman opened the door. she was Mrs. Saxena.

"May I know who are you?" she asked.

"Savior..." Neerav said.

The woman frowned.

"I didn't get you"

"I'm the one who is going to save your husband from getting arrested"

The woman was horrified.

"What are you saying? Who you are? Why my husband is getting arrested?"

"I'm Neerav Singh Raizada... Anup Kapoor's son-in-law"

The woman's face drained.

"Why do police arrest my husband? He did nothing"

"Really? Did he do nothing?"

The woman gulped. Though she didn't know what her husband did she sensed something was wrong.

"He did nothing... trust me"

"Maybe... but his Boss and his daughter did everything wrong you know. Police will not consider whether your husband is a wrongdoer or not if Anup got arrested"

She became scared.

"I can help you if you help me" Neerav put a deal in front of her.

"What can I do? How could I help you?"

"Laila broke my mother's leg..."

Cutting him,

"Whaaat?" she asked shockingly.

"She made her fall down by spilling coconut oil on the floor. After that, she left RM. I think they have a plan... I want to know that"

"But, how do you know she did that?"

Neerav ran the video. The woman became horrified.

"I even have a solid proof. I can do anything but before that, I want to know their intention"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Turn your husband's phone into auto recording mode. Send me the files to me that he talks to Anup. That's enough"

"Will you relieve my husband from the problems if I help you?"

"I promise..."

"Ok...I will do that"

"No one should know about it..."

"You too please don't tell anyone. I just am doing this to save my husband"

Neerav nodded yes and left. He was not sure whether the woman will help him. but he had sowed the seed of fear in her heart. Somehow it will reach Saxena. let's see, what he does.


Arnav's phone rang with Roy's name. He attended it hurriedly.

"Yes, Mr. Roy...?"

"I got the stay order... you can proceed. My assistant is coming to the register office with the stay order"

"Thank you, Mr. Roy... Thank you so much"


They disconnected the call. This is why they wanted to delay the registration process. They can do nothing if Kailash registered the property in his name. So, before he did that, Arnav decided to get a stay order.

Within half an hour, Roy's assistant reached the register office. He handed it over to Arnav.

They waited for Kailash to come. Aman inquired about the Token number. The fifteenth number went inside. The next number was Kailash's number.

Arnav was curious to see the person who cheated on his father-in-law. He saw Kailash coming. He looked so simple. No one can believe seeing him that he could even cheat anyone to this extent.

Kailash's number was called. He came with the banker and waited to start the process. He was asked to sign the papers. With a winning grin, he bent down to sign the papers. That's when they heard,

"Arrest them..."

Kailash looked in the direction and saw police standing.

"Mr. Kailash, you are under arrest for cheating Shashi Gupta. And, this is the stay order for not to sell his properties" the inspector said.

Kailash and the Banker spared a glance with a horrified expression.

"We did nothing, inspector..." The Banker said.

"As per the law, you should auction the asset publically. You don't have the right to sell it personally. You can't do that..."

"We did everything properly" the banker lied.

"No... you didn't... Kailash is the one who got a loan from your bank. Shashi Gupta signed the surety for him. Then how did he get money to buy such a huge property within the short period?" the question came from an unexpected person... Arnav.

"Who are you?" Kailash asked.

"Who are you?" Kailash asked

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"Arnav Singh Raizada... Shashi Gupta's Son-in-law" Arnav said, looking at them wrathfully.

To be continued...

One & Only Option ( Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora