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"Did you get in trouble?" Jungkook asked as Taehyung walked out of the chief's office.

He didn't reply and kept walking straight down the hallway. Jungkook felt himself panic. Maybe it had been a bad idea to motivate him to do the impossible tumor surgery.

But then again, it had been a success. Yes, it did take more than ten hours and the chief was pretty upset the surgery didn't get cleared through him, but it had been a success.

A wonderful success that would promote Medica Zone and put them on the news. This man with this huge tumor wrapped around his spine, was tumor free and could walk. So Jungkook was hoping the chief would simply overlook the "not-getting-it-cleared-through-him".

Taehyung pushed the elevator door open and got inside. Luckily there wasn't another person in there so Jungkook quickly hopped inside.

As soon as it started moving, Jungkook pushed the button to stop it. If Taehyung didn't want to talk he would force him.

If the chief wanted to fire Taehyung, he'd probably get fired too. After all, he was the one who convinced him to do the surgery to begin with. And if the chief fired a brilliant neurosurgeon why wouldn't he fire the intern who barely knew shit?

"Dr. Kim, I need you to talk to me. You can't just be silent. My career is also on the line and it can't be over before it even starts. I need to know what the chief said."

Taehyung broke out into laughter and only confused Jungkook more. He rubbed his face nervously, wiping the droplets of sweat that half built up.

"Oh no. You must be laughing because you're in shock and we got fired. We're both fired! I've never even had a solo surgery on my own. I can't believe this. I've never assisted a plastic surgeon. I will never get to assist in a major surgery like the one we did. My career and life are over. I'm twenty-five and my life is over!"

Taehyung kept laughing as he skipped around the small space. This angered the younger one. This was not the time for a psychotic breakdown.

"Okay, this is really pissing me off. I get that we don't like each other but what you're doing here is cruel. You're mimicking me and you're being weird on top of that. I can't allow you to—"

"He loved it! He was so proud! Jungkook, we just made history! That man had been to several doctors who denied the surgery because of the risks, but you and I did it. The chief was angry that we did it without his full consent, but he was mind-blown! I really think he's going to consider me for the neurosurgeon attendee position." He grinned.

Jungkook let out a relieved sigh, "Oh glory! Thank you! Wow! Thank you!" He screamed, spreading both arms in the air. He pressed the button to start moving again. Now his joy couldn't be contained.

"I'm going to be the future neurosurgeon attendee!" Taehyung yelled back. He was so excited that he grabbed Jungkook and kissed his lips.

Jungkook dropped both arms and his eyes remained wide open. Taehyung kept smiling and walked out as soon as the door opened like nothing happened.

Jungkook didn't stop looking at his resident, waiting for him to turn around and explain. Except, he was so oblivious and excited about his future position that he didn't look back.


"Jimin? Hey!" Yuta greeted him with a big smile.

"Hey Dr. Nakamoto!"

"Please, call me Yuta. My last name is too long and I think we're past the formal stage. Don't you think so?"

Jimin smiled nervously as he nodded. "Very well, Yuta it is then."

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