Underground highschool volume 33

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Kesto: I can make something to eat for us.
Korino: You could but we don't have any food in there.
Kesto: Oh yea.
Kaizen: It's good I brought some food from the shrine for us to eat.
Erza: Thank you because I'm hungry.
Rin: Alright we can eat after we train a little we don't know who or what the government got planned next for us.
Taikutsu: True but we can take them or should I say I can take them.
Akane: Why are you so cocky.
Taikutsu: Because I know no one can stop me
Kirito: Alright I guess it's time to train
Then he presses a button on the map of japan and a big train area comes from the ground by the house.
Ryuko: You outdid yourself again this time.
Scarlet: Yea this equipment is good we didn't even have all this stuff at the assassin base.
Namari: Yea I forget you're an assassin sometimes.
Natsu: Your an assassin?
Scarlet: Yeah I'm an assassin I was trained to be one ever since I was a kid.
Akane: That's cool Id love to be an assassin.
Natsu: Me too.
Then they start to train they train for about 3 hours then it shows them tired. Then the shows this girl with white hair and red eyes in the bushes looking at the practice.
Girl: I wonder what they're doing I gotta get a closer look.
Then she missed her step and fell down the hill into
the middle of the training ground.
Rin: What was that?
Kaizen: I think something fell from the hill.
Korino: Rin come here (as he has a gun to her head)
Ryuko: What is she doing here?
Kesto: Looks like she came from the hill.
Taikustu: Looks like she was spying on us.
Namari: Who do you work for?
Natsu: Yea who sent you here?
Girl: Um, um, um.
Scarlet: Um what.
Kirito: Let her speak.
Girl: look behind you !!!
  Then 13 shots go off and shot at everyone 1 shot for everyone. But then Rin jumps in front of the shot of the girl. The guy continues to shoot Rin.
Girl: Stop don't hurt my brother!!!
(in her head she says) What did I just say?
  A blood Rin smiles then he summons his scythe and air slashes the guy killing him.
Taikustu: What the hell is wrong with you Rin!!
pushed the girl out of the way and grabbed Rin by his shirt and put him against the wall!!
Anonymous voice: let's awaken the demon inside of you, shall we.
A huge dark aura surrounded Rin and sent Taikustu into the wall!!
Taikustu: Cheap shot punk lets you see you try to hit me again bastard. (he had a crazy smile on his face)
Anonymous voice: Kill him don't let anyone talk to you like that
Kaizen: We've got to stop him.
Kesto: So he is a demon just like his father he unseathed his sword.
Demon king: Here take some more of my power.
Namari: We gotta find a way to stop the demon in his scythe to stop giving him more power.
Erza: He has a demon in his scythe?
Namari: Yea I explain later.
Rin roars he grows a black wing on his back
And he shoots this blast at Taikutsu. Taikutsu is barely even able to dodge it hitting him a little on the cheek and arm. Then he sends a blast at SOL but Kesto cuts it up
Kirito: We need to restrain him or knock him out
    (Then the girl runs to Rin)
Natsu: Hey girl I don't think that's the best idea
Korino: No let her go she is probably the only one that can stop him.
Girl: Hey I don't know if your my brother or boy or even why I said it but if you are I know you felt lonely all these years by yourself but know I'm here now and you don't have to be alone no more
Rin: Sister?
Girl: yes
And he drops her to hug her
Rin: I missed you all these years I thought I didn't have a sister
(Ryuko gets jealous but stops when she hears that's his sister)
A bright gold light comes from inside the house flies up in the air and falls on the girl.

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