Underground highschool volume 14

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After Kirito joins the team he gets a text message from the government saying there transferring some data to the new base then he looks through some of the files and he sees some good intel that could help them he goes to Rin
Kirito: I found some sweet information that the government is sending to a new base that you love in your hands
Rin: Alright let me go tell Namari about it
Namari: Alright bet let's all go
Kirito: I'll stay back but I'll make this character
  He makes his usual light sword character so then all 8 of them go to the base then it shows this guy
Guy: Alright bet I need that information by myself
  So he gets to the base he sees a guard and the guard tries to punch him but he dodges then one punch and knocks him out he starts walking away
Guy: They have this weakling guarding the base
  Time goes on and he walks in and he dodges the guard's punches that coming to him kicking and punching them showing so good martial arts then it cuts to team SOL now they have made it to the base
Rin: We should split up into 2 teams so my team will consist of me, Kirito, Ryuko, and Kaizen, and the second team Natsu, Namari, Korino, Scarlet
  One team went to the left and one team went to the right then it cuts to the inside of the door in the base that the guy is behind hearing
Government guy: We have the intel all we need to do is transfer them
Guy: Naw I need the information to find out who find out about my village
  Then he opens the door
Guy: I would have thought they have stronger guys protecting this intel
  Then the guys turn around and one of them says
Government guy: You're not ready for us kid
Guy: oh you sure about that I can finally test my powers out for real

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