Underground highschool volume 13

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  They plug in the information they got from the guy base it's shows a lot about him and his chusei ability
Korino: Yea I told u guys that Kirito and about his chusei ability
Rin: He is very strong about if he joins the team you know it is funny if we had him on our team
Korino: I don't know he is kinda hard to predict on what he is wanna do you know he like a Lonewolf but he'll be helpful if he does join
Namari: All right bet let's get him on the team then I guess
Natsu: I Think we should have a head count to see if everyone wants to get him
Rin: Alright everyone Who wants him to join the team raises your hand
  Rin, Natsu, Scarlet, Ryuko, kaizen
Scarlet: Why u ain't raise ur hand Namari
Namari: I don't know but he just doesn't seem right
Natsu: There are some hidden messages but there is nothing to worry about
So they send Natsu Korino and Ryuko So they made it back to the base and the character is just sitting there bored
Korino: If we beat you in a video game you come with us but if u win we give u something
Character: Alright bet u challenging me to video games follow me
  And you see the real person of the avatar and he takes his headset off and the avatar disappears
Kirito: come sit
  So they sit than play the game Ryuko goes first and loses badly then Natsu goes he better than Ryuko but loses then Korino goes
Kirito: just like old times friend
Korino: yea but this time I'm winning
  So they play and as they are flashback of them playing as a kid and in the government together plays but Korino still loses
Kirito: Alright I just join you guys anyways
Korino: For real
Kirito: yea but first I need my stuff and the people here can't find out so
   They call scarlet and she appears behind them and almost looking like a portal of some Sorts then they appear back in the base
Kirito: He remembers fighting most of you so I'm on you guys' team now
Natsu: Nice to meet you
Rin: Yea welcome to team SOL

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