Underground highschool volume 23

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Korino: When I was born I had a happy family but my dad when overseas for the army he died and left me these (pull his guns out) Then a few years later my mom died of cancer but before she died Rin promised her to protect me so I'm just replaying the what he did
Natsu: Same bro he made a promise to protect me and my family so I'm just repaying the favor to
  Then they get to the base and puts the get down and they splash water on his face and he wakes up
Guy: Where am I
Rin: Nowhere but everywhere you're gonna tell me everything you know about
Akane appears out of nowhere and pulls out a knife
Akane: Yea tell us everything you have to know
Rin: Do you anything about government leaders what you about the there next moves
Guy: I don't know anything about that or your dad or even the government plans
Akane looks at Rin
Rin: Alright bet
Then he knocks the guy out
Rin: Tell Taikutsu to take him back
So then they take him back to the street he wakes up and walks away then it cuts to the guy talking to this one guy
Guy: Um boss they dropped their guard as you said you wanted me to do see I finish my mission (looks at one of the other people)
Boss: Great job I take it from here
Guy: Ok and he walks out of the room
Boss: Go locate Ezra Right now and get her it's time we finish our job
  Then it cuts to Ezra working in her store and these guys come in
Ezra: The store is close
Boss: Good thing we ain't come for food
Ezra: So what you came for you
Boss: You get her
  Then Ezra pulls out her sword you think I'm going down that easily not happening. Then it shows Akane arriving outside the building and seeing guards
Akane: Oh so now they attacked I knew it
  Then she shoots 3 Arrows at the three guards and finishes them then she walks in dramatically and opens the door
Boss: Who are you
Akane: The person that gonna beat your ass
Boss: You sure about that
  Then he runs to her but she goes invisible and punches the guy and as he punches him she grabs her explosive arrow and put it in his face and it explodes Then she a back flip out of the explosion's range
Akane: what you can't see me
Boss: You bastard 200 striker cuts
  Ezra touches the ground and she makes a walk of lava to block the attack then touches the wall then the wall turns into this lava wave
Ezra: Bye
  And they leave
Akane: You strong plus they gonna just keep chasing you so does ur answer still stands
Ezra: You know what naw it changes I guess I can join SOL but y'all better be fun.

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