I still remember the beating I got.

'Winces again' bad memories.

Okay so where was I-

Dress, yes

So Easton sent me some pictures earlier and I chose the dress I was comfortable in and guess what?

The 'short' dress they bought ended up till my ankle as they bought the dress for a 17 year old. At first I thought they were making fun of me but then they said that they forgot.

So I just chose a plain black dress cause ain't nobody giving me a lingerie thinking I'm twelve.

The cloth of the dress was soft so I chose it, cause

Comfort Bitches

Hmm, this dress looks okay on ny non-existent curves. Now I think it would've been better if Easton wore this.

I gave myself a last look before walking downstairs and getting outside the place to see Fain standing there.

"Bitch do I look good? "

"You look great" Easton said from behind Fain with a big smile.

He surely is sneaky but so am I.

They nearly threw me in the back seat at drove as if there's death walking behind us. I don't know about behind but the way he's driving I can surely sense my death ahead of us.

"You good" Fain asked removing his seatbelt as we reached the destination.

"Yeah, as good as dead"

"Now you'll have to walk to the mansion we can't go there. Remember the card to enter the party is in your pocket" Fain said and I got confused.

Lmao, what pockets?

'Lmao, what ass? '


"There's a pocket in this dress"

"There is? "


"Me loves you"

"All the best Halcyon. Try not to get hurt"
Easton said with a cheeky smile as I got off.

I waved at him responding with a small smile.

'Sigh' I can do this. I told myself walking towards the mansion while squeezing the stress ball in my hand.

I kept my gaze down ignoring the looks I was getting from people all around thinking about Hank to ignore them. I wish I could bring Hank here.

I walked towards the entrance, straightened my back as I saw two gaurds outside the door.

Showing them card I entered inside with a fake smile trying to act as if I was interested.

As I entered I walked towards the main Hall with a fast pace.

15 minutes from main gate to Hall.

I know where the cameras are. I've been here but because I was sneaking here that day so I wasn't able to notice many things.

I made sure my face wasn't facing the camera. The camera are only on one side of the hall.

Talking to some people randomly, I saw an important member of viles.

Private place here is 10 minutes away. I know what to do.

Instead of walking towards him I went another way. I saw a group of girls walking towards the restroom or may I say the place near the security room.

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