What's going on?

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Sakura held Hitomi in her arms, confused of what to do. Either to call Nako asking if she's alright or to run away with Hitomi.

"Sakura, we need to call Nako"
Hitomi said with a gasping tone, she was tired from running. Her face was pale as if she has seen the devil face to face.

"Alright then, if that's your choice"
Leaving Hitomi to catch her breath she grabbed onto her phone and dialed Nako's number.

Her heart felt in peace after hearing the beeps.
Nako picked up the phone and thus said
"Sakura? Hey ! I'm not done yet, are you infront of my house now?"

"Nako? what do you mean, is your town okay?"
Sakura was as confused as Nako, sudden 'ehhh' sounds had been heard.

"What? My town is fine"
Nako tilted at her window, seeing her town in one piece and as peaceful as it was. The only bother are cars honking nonstop as always, the busy time for coworkers.

"What's wrong? You sound like you've seen a ghost."
Sakura sigh in peace and signals to Hitomi that Nako is fine. Hitomi smiled softly and went to get some water as she was exhausted.

"I'll tell you later, we'll get over there in a few. Also, our school is closed. You dont need to worry about that. And tell your parents that my parents ask them to come over, I'll drive you there by myself"

Nako was happy about the news and later on she told her parents.

Sakura on the other side phoned her parents about Nako. They accepted it with no further ado. Gladly, it went smoothly.

"Oh dear. Hitomi? Hitomi are you alright?"

Crashing noises, loud pouding sounds of somewhat like a tree. She ran to the kitchen to see Hitomi frightened on the floor, then there stood as a person who took the form of Hitomi. Sakura couldn't tell if it was a human or something else.

It was staring at Hitomi with such blank expression, most likely the humanity in it has drained away.

The eyes, never more of a dead person. It was holding the same cup Hitomi is holding while she is on the floor.

Sakura slowly grabbed onto a wooden spoon. No idea for what, but atleast it is for her own safety.

"Sakura. That's, not me right?"

"How am I suppose to know its you?"

"Human's. Your form, are so fragile."

Hitomi ran over to Sakura and hugged her. Sakura on the other hand held the wooden spoon up, as it is a sword. How classic.

"Of course I talk, one shall have the power to bear the mouth for a reason. Am I wrong?"
The person clicked their fingers and later reveal its true self. A dark and somewhat soul like in a hoodie, floating infront of them.

Their voice are an echo, its like a void residing inside of them. Their eyes, blue as the sky but blunt enough to pierce into your soul.

"Humans, Ive come to tell you what Our creator has given to us. Today is the first trial. May you accept this or we shall haunt you forever"

"trial? for who?"
Sakura held Hitomi with one hand and pointing the spoon at the voided thing.

"For you, Miyawaki Sakura. And get that filthy thing away from me, Please"
It pushed the spoon from Sakura's hand lightly, with such a disgusted expression for somehing that has a distorted facial.

"For.. me? What is the trial for"

"do you accept it?"

"you have to tell me first.."

"Do you accept it?"

"..fine, I accept."

"hehe.. I, Gensho, Shall now give you the trial that the heavenly principles have brought to you."
Once again, Gensho has snapped his fingers.
Sakura is not in a void as well as Gensho but Hitomi is nowhere to be seen.

"Here, your first task for the trial."
Gensho walked towards Sakura, handing her over a book. Sakura as dazed and confused, looked at them.

"ah. hold on hold on."
Later on Gensho took a form of a woman, pretty and slender. She was as white as snow and elegant presence.

"Alright, i'll be by your side for a while now"

"you need to change your voice, you still creep me like that.."
Sakura hugged the book, slowly backing off from Gensho.

"Ah, sorry. You can call me Kang Hyewon. From now on, I am your familiar. I'll be watching you over for the Heavenly principles."

"Kang.. Kang Hyewon?"

She smiled giving Sakura peace sign.

Sakura jumped away and dialed her phone
"heLLO, police. theres a crazy person kidnapping m-"

Hyewon flays her arms around signalling Sakura to stop. Sakura only sighed and nodded.


"She'll be fine. From now on, you belong to the heavenly principles. One mistake, and youre gone ! bye bye ! take care !"
Hyewon said with a happy tone later then snapping her fingers.

Sakura fell into a dark void, she closed her eyes as she only accepted her fate.

'im gonna die'
her mind keeps telling her that.


"huh? what's going on-"
She opened her eyes to see shes in her own bed, perfectly fine. Later, she opened the window, then the door and cluelessly stood.

she yelled as all infront of her is normal as always.

6:00am, Tokyo Time.
Day 1, Task ; Unfulfilled.

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