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Jimin stays in the tree for a while, in case Yoongi's hiding nearby waiting for a chance to attack.

Instead, after about an hour, a female walks up to Jimin's tree.

"Hey." She says, and Jimin sniffs the air to tell what she is. He can't smell her from his spot, though, so he asks.

"What are you?"

She chuckles. "I'm an alpha. My name's Yoonji." The wind blows Yoonji's bobbed hair across her face, and she spits it out of her mouth. "Why don't you come down? Head alpha went into his cave for the night. Come down, we'll get you warmed up and in bed." She waves her hand to him.

Jimin descends, dropping down in front of Yoonji.
He startles when it's Yoongi's face staring back at him. When Jimin leans forward to see her better in the dim light of the moon, she smiles softly and turns away. She leads him back to his hut in silence, but she speaks up when they get there.

"Head alpha will mostly only come around to see you when you're in heat, so you have the hut all to yourself." She says, waving him through the opening.

Jimin steps in and she stands at the threshold, smiling at him. He finally speaks up. "You look just like him."

Yoonji doesn't have to ask him who he's talking about, but her smile wavers. She doesn't respond, but continues to look at him.

Jimin shifts, confused, but pretends to not be worried. He tidies his things on the tree stump, putting his things back down, and with no other escape, looks at her.

They both look at each other, so he clears his throat and glances at the clay wall.

"Actually, I saw you this morning, at the gathering." Yoonji starts.

Jimin looks at her and nods.

Yoonji blushes, continuing. "I thought you were really pretty, and you are, and after seeing how you stood up to Yoongi I wanted to ask... Will you accept my offer of courtship?"

Jimin flushes. That was nowhere near what he was expecting her to say. He thought she'd comment on his weight or try to fuck him, and this is different.

"Me?" He asks.

"Uh huh." Yoonji nods. She twists her fingers together and taps her nails against the skin.

Jimin doesn't know how to respond, doesn't know if he's allowed to reject the offer. "Well... If you're sure." Jimin swallows.

Yoonji smiles. "Great! I'm excited to get to know you."

Jimin smiles too, simply copying Yoonji in an attempt to be polite. "Okay. See you tomorrow."

"You too, Jimin." Yoonji walks out, letting the curtain fall over the opening behind her.

Jimin tries to find something to do in the hut, but all there is is a gallon jug of water, a hammock, a pelt for the hammock, the floor mat, and his hygiene items.

He wonders if anyone has books. Jimin hasn't read a book since he was a pup, and reading little words here and there isn't enough.

As Jimin thinks, he starts to squirm. He didn't drink any water yet, but he hasn't used the bathroom since before he arrived in this new village. No one had told him where to go, either. Maybe there's not a special place to go. Maybe it's obvious and Jimin should know already. Is he supposed to pee in the jug? That doesn't quite make sense, because the jug is full of water. But if Jimin remembers correctly, he's heard stories of humans using the bathroom in a bucket of water. So maybe he is supposed to...

"Jimin, are you okay?" Yoonji calls from outside.

Jimin scrambles to his feet and winces when his bladder reacts. "What do you mean?" He asks.

"Well, I didn't get very far before I could smell you getting distressed. Do you need help?" She asks.

"Actually. I have to... Use the bathroom? But I don't know how, here. No one ever told me." Jimin says, squeezing his thighs together.

Yoonji pokes her head through the curtain. "Aw, honey. You just go in the woods. I'll take you, come on."

The alpha leads Jimin through the village. They pass the stream and continue walking, in the direction across from Jimin's meadow.

Yoonji leaves him in a nice, secluded area, where he does his business hidden away. After he's done Yoonji directs him to the stream to clean off.
When he's done he returns to Yoonji's side.

She smiles. "Feel better, baby?"
Jimin winces. "Yes. Thank you for showing me." He kicks himself mentally, scolding himself for letting the alpha get too comfortable with him. It's just love names now, but that will eventually lead to Yoonji touching him, kissing him, and then trying to mate with him.

"No problem. You can come to me for anything, anytime." Yoonji replies.

"Alright." Jimin says, doubtful he'll take her up on the offer, with Yoonji once again dropping Jimin off at his hut.

They say goodnight to each other and part ways, Yoonji walking down one of the village paths, her way lit by lanterns, and Jimin letting the curtain fall shut. He climbs onto the hammock and pulls his extra pelt over himself, humming quietly until he falls asleep.

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