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Authors note: 


Thank you for joining me on this journey! This is a collection of short stories I wrote in an attempt to get better at consolidating my ideas and to get over writers block. I tend to ramble in my writing and so I wanted to challenge myself to do some short stories. They are all  different with no set theme other than vaguely historical/fantasy/romance. 

None of the stories are linked; they each contain their own characters and themes, and can be read in any order. But I recommend reading them in order.

I have provided a brief synopsis of them so you can see which one floats your boat. (If you do not want to read them chronologically.) I will have the prompts up that I set for myself, and there will be WARNINGS for any themes that may be distressing for readers.

One more thing,.. The cover (I know....). I did not want to use anyone's work without permission so this is a crack at my own cover. It is good-old fashioned Microsoft word. Top quality here folks. I am sorry, but thank you for clicking regardless! I only hope my writing can redeem my poor attempt at a book cover. 

Story descriptions

This outlines the themes and a brief overview of each story if you don't feel like reading them all. The stories are posted in the order they were written and I hope you enjoy them! Let me know which one is your favourite.

Warnings for sensitive topics will be posted at the top of the relevant chapter.

One: The Nymph and her Soldier

Fantasy/romance some adult themes

A young man comes face to face with the spirits of the forests and must make a decision.

Two: The Heart is Blind

Historical/romance/best friends

Inseparable friends, this one follows the tale of Ed and Em. Best buds through thick and thin... right? 

Three: The Wanderers


A bard tells a tale of the harsh tundra and the journey a leader takes to protect her people.

Four: To See a Hero


War is not glorious. War is not a display of courage. War is war. A man see's his hero on the battle field, but the man wears the face of a foe.

Five: The Inventor


A perky inventor worries her Dearly Beloved half to death... and does not regret it.

Six: Pelican Bay

Romance/ Fantasy (serious adult themes)

Creatures of the deep have claimed one town on the volcanic shores off the coast of the mainland. Now they seek to lure in a lost soul from the fishing town of Karp.

Seven: Necromancy can be Educational


What happens when you follow a slightly unhinged mage into a graveyard? It is not very ediactional, but it may build character.

Eight: Necromancy: The gift of life.


Second part to story seven. Discovering what you've been searching for is scary. But it's much better to look like a badass when you fail, than to not try at all and feel foolish.

Whimsical Tales of WoeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant