Chapter 2

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I really don't have much to put for authors notes. Uh, I guess if abortion topics make you uncomfortable be careful cuz it's discussed (but considering the tags guess where it goes)

Raven sat in the chair with pure disbelief. This was stupid. There had to be a mistake. Her mind blanked at Tai began to ramble nervously to himself beside her.

The doctor eventually let them leave and yet the drive home was as silent as could be. Raven didn't want to believe what she'd been told, but it made logical sense. They'd both been dumb enough to ignore any sort of risks with those actions, and that had caused this consequence.

She didn't know how to feel then. She wouldn't even look down as they walked in and sat on the sofa. Tai had gotten up and asked if Raven wanted any tea, to which she only responded with a nod. Minutes passed as she sat alone in her thoughts, her mind refusing to let her think of anything else.

Eventually, Tai came back and sat a plate with two empty teacups and a kettle filled with tea on the coffee table in front of them. He poured a cup for both of them and handed Raven her cup. Silence still remained as she took a sip of the tea. After what felt like hours Tai finally spoke.

"What are we going to do..." He sat down his cup and leaned back on the sofa, "I... I really don't have any idea, we're both in our 40's and now this happens. Gods I knew we shouldn't have been that naive."

Raven still wouldn't utter a word, her mind knew what she wanted to say, but she didn't want to break Tai's heart if that was something he was against. He spoke once again, now directly to Raven, "Are you okay..?"

"Obviously I'm fine, what gave you the idea I wasn't okay," Raven snarked. Tai looked at her now, worry starting to come across his face.

"You haven't spoken in the past hour we've been home, why?" He asked. She didn't want to be honest about this, but you know, she might as well speak what she was feeling about this situation.

"Listen, Tai, I don't really want this kid," She said it and felt weight slowly lift off her shoulders, "I know you may not agree, but I sincerely don't want this."

"So... Do you want me to call the doctor's office and see if we can schedule an abortion... If that's what you want of course!" Raven was shocked he agreed as quickly as he did.

"You really don't want to stop me?" She was in awe, that was for sure. He came off as the family guy. Then again this whole situation was just a shit hole.

"If that's what you want, it's your decision. I'm serious, I won't hold it against you," Tai said, standing up to go grab his scroll from the kitchen. He came back and sat down beside her and called the office once more. Raven stayed silent for the entire scheduling, and eventually, a date was selected. January 11th.

, , , , , ,

The week leading up to said appointment made Raven feel oddly insecure. She'd stare at herself and still refuse to look below her chest, fear of getting any sort of attachment to the clump of cells. She wouldn't admit it out loud but she was unnerved. If something went wrong it could easily be a life or death situation, or if she emotionally never recovered who knows what that would be like. Tai had told her time and time again that she'd be fine, that hundreds of them were done almost every day.

The day approached slowly, January 11th. The two had gotten up that morning and eaten breakfast.

Raven had stared at herself in the mirror once again and because she knew there would be no other opportunity, she wanted to say sorry in private. Sure the clump of cells in her womb wouldn't understand her, but she felt almost obligated. She'd stood alone in her room. Her eyes almost screaming not to look down, but she convinced herself she'd feel better if she did.

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