Catherine Got Blipped Part Two

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Twenty three days after the snap, Bucky found a small glimmer of hope in the hell he had been living. He had thought Tony was gone. Everybody did. They had given up any hopes of finding him a week ago. He felt the building shaking from within Catherine's bedroom. He had been lying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. When he heard voices rising he left the room to investigate. His stomach dropped when he saw Tony standing there with a blonde woman and a female...robot?

Tony looked terrible. He had lost a significant amount of weight. His face was thin, eyes sunken in. An IV was taped to his hand dripping some sort of liquid into his hand. At first, Bucky didn't think Tony saw him. When he did, however, Bucky knew if Tony had the strength he probably would have jumped across the table and tried to strangle him. His eyes flickered to the side of Bucky at the empty spot where his sister should have been standing.

"" Tony barely managed. He knew. Tony knew that Catherine was gone. If she hadn't been snapped she would have been one of the first people to see him.

Bucky swallowed dryly. "Gone."

It was the only words Bucky could muster. He watched as Tony's eyes glazed over with tears. His hands starting shaking. His boney chest rose and fell rapidly. He was trying to keep himself from falling apart in front of everyone. His sister was gone. Tony turned his head away from Bucky, not being able to bear the sight of him. Catherine should be there. Not him.

Bucky kept in the back of the room, body leaned against the wall. He just stared at his now brother-in-law. He didn't react when he got angry and decided to rip the IV out while everyone else tried to formulate a new plan. The only thing he did was assist Rhodey in carrying him to a hospital bed within the compound. He stood in the doorway watching as Dr. Banner read-ministered the IV this time with a sedative.

He glanced at Pepper, at least that's what he thought her name was. He knew Catherine had mentioned her before, but sometimes his mind messed details up still. She had one hand around Tony's hand. She was looking at him with sympathy, but he could tell that she was thankful he was alive. She was pregnant. He had heard her tell Rhodey only days ago. She had broken down, not knowing how she was going to raise a child without Tony.

Someone touched his shoulder. Bucky turned his head to see Steve standing there. "Ready?"

"Yeah." He said quietly, not wanting to disturb Pepper.

Catherine would have loved going to space even if it meant seeing Thanos again. She would have loved seeing the stars. She would have loved looking at the different planets in awe. He could picture her wide brown eyes looking out the window. She would have hated that they lost, again. Thanos had destroyed the stones. Now, there was no chance of ever bringing anyone back.

Bucky was angry. Furious. He wanted to kill Thanos with his bare hands, but Thor took care of that for him. The grieving process started all over again. He had hoped their plan would of worked. He hoped that he would see Catherine again. It didn't and yet again, he was a broken man. He locked himself back in Catherine's bedroom for the night and quietly cried just like he did the night before.

He felt hungover the next morning even though he did not have a drop of alcohol. It was a feeling that Bucky had not experienced in a very long time. He walked into the kitchen before the sun had even risen. Food would make him feel better. Possibly. He stopped when he saw Tony standing there cooking over the stove. He looked better than the days before. Not as lethargic.

A carton of eggs sat next to the stove. Vegetables that had been chopped up sat on a cutting board. He was cooking himself breakfast. Bucky wasn't sure if he should even be up, but he was not going to be the one to tell him to sit down. Finally, Tony looked at him. His jaw clenched. He looked like he was going to say something negative to Bucky, but he didn't.

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