Catherine saw the Camera's Part Two

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A/N: People wanted a part two to this one shot, so here we go! There will be another part.

"You idiot!" Karpov yelled at James as he sat in the chair, staring blankly ahead. "How could you let her get away? You're better than her."

James didn't say a word. He was preparing his mind for what was going to happen next. He could already feel the pain growing in his body and he hadn't even been strapped down yet. He felt Karpov's hand collide with the skin of his cheek. He grimaced slightly. It wasn't the first time someone had hit him in the face. It still never got any easier to deal with.

"Answer me!" Karpov continued to yell.

James turned to him with a look in his eyes that Karpov had never seen before. It was one of pure hatred. He could kill the man. He could wrap his hand around his throat and drain every last ounce of life out of him. They would shoot him. Good. He didn't want that life anymore. He didn't want to be their fucking pawn anymore.

"Пошел ты. (Fuck you.)" James sneered at the man.

Karpov didn't say a word. He just stood up to his full height and looked over at one of his engineers. "Wipe him."

Seventeen years. He had gone seventeen years without the going through the damn process of getting his mind wiped. In those seventeen years he had begun to remember things about himself. His name. His real name. He remembered Steve. What he did to Catherine's parents. It was all about to be disappear with a flip of a switch.

In minutes he would become whatever they wanted him to be. A monster. A killer. He didn't want to forget. He wanted to remember the way Catherine smiled at him. Her smile would always reach her eyes causing her nose to scrunch slightly. He wanted to remember the way her finger's felt against the bare skin of his back only days ago.

He didn't want to lie to her. He didn't want to trick her, but he didn't have a choice. She didn't understand. So, he let them push him back against the chair, strap him down and shove the mouthpiece into his mouth. He let them erase everything he remembered. He let them erase her. Suddenly, his mind was nothing. 

Catherine still thought the world was playing a cruel joke on her as she sat inside Tony's private jet. She was exhausted. Her head hurt from trying to piece information together. She was trying to process that James had lied to her. Hydra lied to her. They knew who she was, but they allowed her to be played. She should have known. She thought she was fairly smart. Not smart enough evidently.

Sitting a few seats in front of her was Tony. Her supposed brother. He looked just as confused as she was. He had been on the phone pretty much the entire duration of the drive to the airport and even when they were up in the air. Who he was talking to, she didn't know. Occasionally his eyes would shift to look at Catherine. While he was almost sure she was his sister, he still wanted to be cautious.

They, and by they she meant Tony's bodyguard, had taken her gun away from her. It was a comical thought given the fact that she really didn't even need a weapon to kick their asses. She wasn't going to tell them that though. She knew why they were being apprehensive. All they knew she had been taken by bad people. She hadn't given them too much information other than that.

Finally, Tony decided to make his way over to where she was sitting. He didn't know what to say her. There was so much he wanted to say. That he wanted to ask, but she seemed...scared. "Sorry I don't have any clothes for you. Hopefully when we get to New York they'll have something."

Catherine had almost forgotten that she was only wearing a robe and her under garments. "It's okay."

"Would it be okay if I asked you a few questions? Nothing too pressing." He promised.

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