I Like Me Better

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"To not know who I am but still know that I'm good long as you're here with me."

- Lauv (I Like Me Better, 2018)



It was an early morning for us. We got back pretty late last night, and didn't end up packing our stuff before our early morning flight tomorrow. So, we had to wake up early, only having four hours of sleep. Here we are, barely situated at our designated seat, exhaustion written all over our bodies.

Lizzie got comfortable in her seat as the hoodie taken from my luggage kept her warm. It covered her head, and you could barely recognize her. She looked at me with an adorable tired look on her face, a faint smile tugging at my heartstrings. She looks so damn adorable.

"Is it okay if I lean my head on your shoulder to sleep?" Lizzie asked innocently.

I smiled warmly, "Of course you can."

She intertwined our hands together, comfortably resting her head against my shoulder, "Thank you." She pecked my cheek before falling right back to sleep.

I diverted my undivided attention toward our intertwined hands, the fluttering feeling spreading all over my body. It's crazy to think that one human being is capable of making me feel such robust emotions. It's insane. While she's doing it unknowingly, I'm always catching myself falling more madly in love with her than the day before.

Lizzie's a breath of fresh air. It's like being bathed in sunlight. She's extremely energetic at times. It's like coming home after a long, tiring day. I would never get used to her. Every single day, she always makes me feel something new. Something good. And I love every second of it.

I couldn't resist it. Lizzie made some goofy faces while sleeping, so I took a handful of pictures of her, my camera roll now flooded with her face. At one point, I thought I was going to wake her up because I couldn't contain my laughter. She looks so funny and adorable at the same time. I'll make sure to tease her about it later.

I only fell asleep for a little bit. I was tired, but I couldn't sleep for longer than thirty minutes. I was a little jealous of how comfortably she's sleeping. I almost wanted to wake her up so she could be in misery with me, but I know how tired she was, so I didn't. But, all jokes aside, I do miss her. A lot. It's crazy because she's right next to me, but I miss her even when she's asleep next to me.

Underneath the exhaustion, missing her like crazy, and the amount of overthinking I did, one thing remained constant in my mind. Keep her safe. The things I would do to make sure she's safe and sound is endless, and there's nothing I'm willing to do to make sure it happens.

Flashes of her accident came like wildfire to me. I've never felt so helpless in my entire life. I watched her almost die, her body almost lifeless to its core. She could barely form a coherent sentence, and it seems as though it took a lot out of her to tell me the things she wanted to say. Then, her heart stopped. I couldn't do anything about it. I sat there, with her inside of my arms as she took her last breath. I thought she died.

When people talk about how terrible it feels when your whole world falls apart, I've always thought they were exaggerating. It can't be that bad, I thought to myself. But, when I held her in my arms as she fell unconscious, that's when I felt it. I felt my entire world crumble to pieces. It got worse over time, especially the times she would flat line. I've lost count. It was unbearable for me to keep track. But, I just knew that while she laid on that bed for a year and a half, unconscious, almost unresponsive, she took my entire world with her.

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