31~ #1 in My Heart

Start from the beginning

"Star quarterback and cheerleader." He smirked.

"You know me Erickson." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. "My life is full of clichés" I smirked and reached up and kissed him.

"That's enough of that" Dad's voice cut in. Will and I pulled away sheepishly and turned to face him.

"Hey Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked as my cheeks turned red and I put on my best adorable smile for my dad.

He laughed. "I work here. What are you doing here?" He interrogated.

"Going to class, coach" Will answered quickly.

"Ah good answer Will" he laughed and clapped him on the back. "You kids have a bit of time before first period. A little advice Will, if you wanna play tomorrow maybe don't kiss my daughter in front of me." He threatened.

"Dad!" I chastised. "Don't worry babe he's just joking." I rolled my eyes playfully at him.

"All fun and games here Will. I can't wait to watch you play tomorrow" Dad smiled. "Oh and Will, you got a little something there." He pointed to his lips before wandering off.

I nudged Will with my elbow. "Come on, everyone's waiting" I smiled.

He reached down and stole a quick kiss before he interlocked our hands again and we walked into the school together.

The day could not have gone any slower. Why did the teachers have to give so much work for the weekend? Especially Mrs. Atkins and I'm convinced she gave me extra work just because she hates me.

"Ugh that was so dreadfully long" I groaned as I walked up to Will. He was rummaging through his locker, looking for something.

"I agree" he said before he turned to me. He stopped and stared at me for a second with adoring eyes. My face heated at the gesture.

"What?" I asked shyly.

"You just look so good in my jacket" he said awestruck.

My face burned happily. "Thank you" I smiled at him. I don't know how a simple compliment turns me into a blushing mess but that's the affect that Will has on me.

He turned back to his locker and found what he was looking for. He closed his locker and reached his hand out to hold mine, which I gladly accepted.

The two of us walked to his car and he drove me to the football field.

"What number are you?" I asked to fill the silence.

"Sixteen. It's my lucky number. I won my first football game on the sixteenth. I was also born on the sixteenth. So it's kind of special. When I met you, you were sixteen, so that works out for me." He smiled over at me.

My heart skipped a beat and my cheeks turned the color of my uniform. This boy will be the death of me, I swear.

"Number sixteen on the field, but number one in my heart" I told him as I played with his fingers.

He parked at the field and looked over at me. He was silent as he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back. He rested his hand on my cheek and stroked it ever so slightly. I think he really was trying to kill me.

"I love you" he whispered against my lips. The corners of my mouth twitched up into a smile.

"Not as much as I love you" I whispered back. He stroked my cheek a few more times before he pulled away.

I giggled as I saw his face, or more accurately his lips. They had red lipstick all over them. He shot me a look.

"You have lipstick all over your mouth" I laughed and tried to wipe some of it away. "You might have to convince everyone you just got a rash" I teased. I licked my thumb and wiped away some of the lipstick. We used a napkin to get the rest off. His lips were now red from rubbing them so much.

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