6~ Pickles

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Will dropped me off at my house because the boys left without me and I didn't want to wait on Dad to get out of his office. I noticed the boys cars were still gone, which meant they most likely went to get food. I hoped they bring me back something.

"Thank you Will" I smiled as him and got out of his truck.

"It's not problem Cora really. I'll see you later though, right?" He asked.

I nodded. "I'm pretty sure all the boys are coming. I invited Remi over too, but she won't be here until after her shift"

"Gotcha" He smiled. "Bye Cora"

"Bye" I gave him a small wave and walked up to my front door.

I immediately went upstairs and got into the shower, washing off the sweat and grime as well as the stress of the day. I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold.

Ha, looks like the boys will have cold showers, sucks to be them.

I dried off my body and changed into a fresh pair of clothes. I threw my hair up into my towel and headed downstairs. I could smell the fast food from downstairs.

I walked down stairs to see five more bodies than normal. "I didn't know you guys were here already" I said.

"Wow Coco, you and Daniels today" Nick said. The boys started calling me Coco since my brothers do it. They know it annoys me so naturally they have to do it.

All the other boys joined in and told me how much he deserved it and that it was a good punch.

I laughed at the boys as they crowded around me.

"Lesson number one, Don't make my sister mad" Carter said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I shrugged. "He deserved it"

"We know, he's the biggest dick on the team. He thinks he owns people and girls. It's honestly disgusting. I'm glad you put him in his place" Darren explained.

I jumped up on the counter and smiled. "Glad to be of service" I did a fake bow. "Did you get me a burger?" I asked Connor.

He pointed to the bag on the counter and I took it.

"Pickles?" I asked worriedly.

"No, we ordered it without." He answered.

I took a few bites and swallowed. My throat started itching after a few seconds and I could feel it starting to swell. I ripped open my burger to see a half eaten pickle and two other ones.

"Connor?" I said and showed him my burger.

I could feel my throat closing up and it got harder to breathe.

"Oh shit!" Carter yelled and the three of them boys looked around frantically for the EpiPens.

"Shit, shit, shit" Connor mumbled, they ransacked the drawers in the kitchen, while I'm sitting here dying.

"What's going on?" Will asked worriedly.

He had a worried look on his face as he walked up to me. His hands were on either side of my legs. My breathing had become really rugged. The boys around had confused and worried faces.

"She's having an allergic reaction and we can't find the EpiPens" Carter yelled.

"Found it!" Cooper yelled and threw it at Will. "Stab her in the leg with it"

Will took the cap off and stabbed me in the leg.

It took a few minutes but my breathing was back to normal. I glared at the boys for ordering me a burger with pickles on it.

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