32~ The Fight

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I threw the ball for Bandit. He ran happily through the grass and grabbed the ball before he brought it back to me. I threw it again and he went through the same cycle over and over again. It was his favorite thing to do. That and play with the frisbee.

"He's getting really good at that" Will stated. He had his arms wrapped around my stomach as he stood behind me.

"Yeah he is" I admitted and leaned back into Will's touch. I smiled as our dog came running back to us with the ball in his mouth and his own doggy smile. "I want some snow cones. Do you think they still have them even though it's the end of August?"

"It's pretty hot today, they might still have them. I'll go check for you." He kissed my cheek before walking off in the direction of where the snow cone cart usually is. I felt exposed without his arms around me. I've grown quite accustomed to having them around me.

Bandy dropped the ball next to me and I picked it up before throwing it again. I laughed as he went to catch it but it bounced off the ground to hit him in the face before he got a hold of it.

I kept throwing the ball for Bandit until Will came back with two snow cones. "I got you a cotton candy" He said and handed me my snow cone. There was an obvious bite taken out of it.

"Did you take a bite of my snow cone, William?" I asked in a fake stern voice.

"I got hungry on the walk over here" He teased.

"You have your own, dork" I rolled my eyes playfully at him. I hooked Bandit back on his leash. Will, Bandit, and I started to walk around the park. Will and I ate our snow cones.

"I can't believe tomorrow, I will have been dating you for a whole month" Will said casually.

I looked at him with wide eyes. "Tomorrow is the twenty-ninth already?" I asked and looked at my phone for confirmation. It was in fact the twenty-eighth.

"I guess time flies when you love someone" He joked.

"It really does" I smiled and leaned into him.

We stayed out at the park until we finished our snow cones then decided to head home. We walked in and the boys were all gone, including Dad. It was getting close to dinner, they were probably all out on their evening run.

Will and I sat on the couch facing each other with our arms rested on the back. Our faces were only a couple inches away from each other. Bandit took his spot at our feet. I reached over and ran my fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes in content and let my finger brush through his locks of beautiful blonde hair.

"I can't believe it's already been a month since we started dating. I mean it seems like yesterday, I opened the door to see you standing on my front porch, asking if you were at the right place" I chuckled at the memory.

"You just counted a month, snowflake, I'm looking forward to counting years with you" He smiled at me.

My heart melted at his words and my face turned red. "How do you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" He chuckled.

"Make my heart melt by the littlest of gestures or words. You make me into a blushing mess and you hardly even do anything. It's not fair" I pouted but a smile escaped my lips.

"You're cute" He mumbled. If possible my face burned even more. I felt like a sunburnt tomato right now.

Remi and I stood in the middle of the courtyard talking before class started. We normally met with everyone inside but it was beautiful and Remi needed something from her car.

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