Chapter 3

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The colour escaped my body as the thought of a sharp pain piercing into the side of my neck conquered my thoughts. My blood grew cold and I had to fight the urge to wrap my arms around myself as shivers ran down my spine at the very realistic sensation of pain that attacked the side of my neck at the possibilty of upcoming pain and worse...death.

"What's happening now?" The man impatiently groaned,"My souleste is clearly bonkers."

"You said you were a souleste," I muttered,"Yet, you are so unwavering on being thirsty. If you are not a vampire thirsty for blood, what are you thirsty for?"I cautiously asked with genuine horror at the possibility of him saying he was thirty for my soul. I mean he did say he was a Soul-est. He must want my soul. I'm dead.

"Little Souleste," He sighed," You would let me starve to death. I can already tell."

"Only if it means saving my life." I defended as my courage from earlier came back.

"And who would you be saving your life from exactly?" He frowned as he suddenly appeared against my wardrobe where he leaned with his arms crossed against his chest.

"You!" I all but screeched," You want to eat my soul!" I accused but in return, he only stared at me with a bored expression and tired eyes.

"Soul-food, not soul, Missy." He simply sighed, which confused me.

"Soul-food?" I asked with clear confusion.

"Yes, soul-food," He lazily leaned his head against the wardrobe so he could look up at the ceiling. "You see Missy, when we soulestes say we are thirsty, we are referring to our unsoothable thirst not hunger, but thirst for a meal made by our soulmate's. Our soulmate's have to literally prepare the food or beverage for us in order for us to be satisfied and for our thirst to be soothed. Liquids do not sooth us for very long, but in case of emergencies we can consume those to sate our thirsts but those beverages need to have been prepared by our soulmates meaning, you literally squeeeze the lemon in order to make me lemon juice, you can't buy it from a store and hand me the drink. It won't help, same thing with food, our soulmates have to cook the food and as such, are pouring their hearts and souls into it. The food and beverages hold value to us that is spiritual or rather, sentimental. It holds a soul-like value that soothes us."

"So what if your soulmate doesn't prepare you those products?"I curiously, but genuinely asked because if this guy is my soulmate then he's doomed because I can't cook to save my life which is probably why I normally eat Cornflakes, WeetBix, muesli, eggs, pourage, oats or eggs, bread and cheese throughout the day. I'm just that bad.

"Well then, lets see..." He drifted off as he feigned a thinking expression before his eyes connected with mine again, an overly cheerful smile marring his lips," What happens when you don't eat or drink water or anything rather, for too long?" He paused before a grim expression took over his features as he leaned away from the wardrobe," You die, Little Love." He darkly said, which all but sent shivers running down my spine.

"Th-th-en why ar-r-re y-y-ou here instead of with your soulmate? Go ask her to prepare some food for you." I stubbornly complained in clear denial of my possible newfound soulmate.

"Good advise," He nodded," Only that my souleste is standing in front of me with no intention of doing so."He smiled an overly sweet smile.

"I'm not your souleste!" I stubbornly rejected even as my mind and heart told me that I knew better. I knew the truth and I believed him, but accepting what he is saying means accepting something insane and superntural beings' existence and I was not ready for that. I was not ready for my world to be turned upside down yet.

"You are, Missy! You are my souleste and as such you are my soulmate," He calmly sighed," And the sooner you accept that, the better. I didn't want a human as a souleste just as much as you don't want me but for the sake of both of our wellbeings, it would help to accept it...and fast." He glared.

Souleste Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora