Chapter 1

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Thirsty. I am so thirsty!

The familiar masculine voice repeated in my mind.

'Find me little Souleste.' It echoed before the world seemed to rush past me as I gasped and abruptly jumped up from the bed with my hand gently cradling my scratchy, dry and thirst driven throat.

"Not again," I groggily complained as I let my hand fall back onto the bed with a sigh before begrudgingly throwing my legs to the other side of the bed, allowing my feet to collide with the cold tiled floor. The coldness crawling up my hot and sweaty body, cooling it down some and allowing me to release a soft sigh in relief as I pushed myself up from the bed while continuing to enjoy the coldness of the tiles against my bare feet.

This is how every morning has been since my parents dropped me off here. I'm starting to think I might be getting a fever, because waking up as thirsty and hot as I have been these past couple of days is not normal. It needs attention. What I don't know though is how to get rid of these weird, occurring dreams I always get a few minutes before waking up every morning for the past three days. I don't even know the voice in my mind that's always saying its thirty just to wake up to find myself extremely thirsty and the confusing part is, the thirst does not ease after I drink water, instead, it remains the same before disappearing into a scratchy feeling that lasts for the rest of the day.

I told my parents about this and they recommended I go to a doctor to get some meds because I forgot some at home. To think that today is my 18th birthday, what a great day to start my day, right? I'll be seeing a doctor on my birthday instead of enjoying breakfast with my parents. Truly a happy day? I wonder what's next.

I gingerly opened my closet doors while trying to ignore the painful feeling in my throat as I pulled out a pair of navy blue skinny jeans, a white short sleeve vest and my already ironed, blue checkered button down, flowy shirt, my white matching underwear and my white Tommies. I grabbed my shower cap while at it before slipping my feet into my morning slippers and all but dragging myself towards my joined bathroom.

My bathroom was a very quaint room with a simple, white toilet, small shower and small basin. It was the standard bathroom for a student, I'd say.

I swiftly closed the door behind me and locked it before dropping my clean clothes on the toilet seat and stripping out of my pajamas that I neatly folded and placed in the dry basin. There wasn't enough space in the room to place them anywhere else to my dismay.

I begrudgingly got into the shower and turned on the cold water that immediately had my body recoiling and shivering as it gave my body the shock of its life and woke it up from its sluggishness and possible stupor.

I almost barely slept this morning considering that my parents called me at 12 o'clock at midnight to wish me a happy birthday, but that call lasted for a whole two hours longer than expected until they decided to turn in because of work later on in the morning, but I really enjoyed the call even as it made me sad and nostalgic at the thought of not spending my birthday with them for the very first time in my life, but I knew I had no choice because they were busy with work and couldn't afford to come and get me for the day especially considering how far away from home I currently am.

A huff left my lips as my eyes burnt with tears of sadness from missing my parents as much as I do after three days without them. I really wish I could be with them on this special day, but I can't and I have to accept it. A soft sigh left my lips as I broke through my train of thought and hastily grabbed my dry wash cloth, forgetting all about my shower cap as I proceeded in bathing myself until I was sure I had gotten rid of any ounce of bacteria and sweat I had collected throughout the night.

My body felt warm, fresh and relaxed by the time I was opening my shower doors and jumping out into the small, warm and steamy bathroom. I carefully grabbed my body lotion and started the tedious task of squirting some onto my hands before running it through my skin until every nook of my body was soft and moist from my aloe vera scented moisturiser. I then applied some deodorant before pulling on my underwear and clothes and spritzing some hair food on my braided straight back hair.

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