Chapter 3:"Paint and Sunshine"

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"Paint and Sunshine"

I looked at myself in the mirror turning at angles to make sure I looked okay. I had never been out before, but after I spoke to father at lunch, we spent the last half of it going to the shops and Cass said I would look lovely in this.

It was a champagne colored dress with intricate designs with sequins and Jewels all over the front and back. The dress ended right before my knees but tassels hung down to my chins and moved as I did. Instead of normal sleeves those similar tassels acted as sleeves on my shoulders. I paired the dress with my normal sheers, white pair of gloves that came to my elbow and a gold pair of heels.

I took a deep breath in the mirror adjusting my red lipstick and making sure my eye shadow and rouge was perfect. I rolled my curly brown hair into a low pinned bun to the left side and slid in my normal silver comb to hold it in place. "You can do this." I gave myself a pep talk in the mirror before tossing on my white fur coat that reached the back of my calves. I grabbed my bag that I had packed earlier and my cream handbag and headed down the stairs. "Bye mother, Bye father!" I yelled gently through the house and headed out the front door.

I waved down a taxi and confirmed I had everything I needed once more. The taxi pulled up and I slid inside. I would usually walk, but I was already running late and at this time of night the taxi was probably the safest. "423 broadway, please." I spoke to the driver and he nodded.

I looked out the window watching the building and lights go, but It wasn't long until I reached Cass's place.

"One dollar please." The driver said and I handed him two.

"Keep the change, thank you." I stepped out of the car making my way up to the apartment steps. I pulled the door open and looked for her name on the board of people in the apartment complex. "ah there it is apt 26" I said to myself pointing her name out with my finger before heading up to the second floor.I knocked on apt 26 and rocked back and forth on my heels with my bags in front of me while I waited. The door swung open and I was engulfed in a hug

"EVIE!" Cass said filled with excitement. I hugged her back with a laugh. "You look fabulous." she said to be stepping back holding my arms looking at me.

"Thank you, so do you!" I replied.

"Come in come in." She gestured to me inside her apartment.

I walk in and set my bags down. One on the circular dining table next to the door and the other on the ground next to the table.

"How do you like it? I spent a lot of time getting into this place." She gestured to the apartment. I looked around as she made her way to the record player to turn on music.

"It is wonderful" I said, taking in the sites of the modest apartment filled with plants and art work. In the corner was an easel with paint dusted over the frame of it.

"Are you an artist?" I asked, looking at the canvas with paint blended into its fibers turning into beautiful art.

"Oh no I can barely draw a heart, those are Fleur's" She said with a smile.

"Oh!" I said raising an eyebrow "are you too ya know.." I looked around and leaned into her "roommates" I said in a whisper with air quotes.

Her eyes went wide at me "Oh my goodness no!" she said in shock "I mean yes, she does live here, but not like that." she said, waving me off. "She's my sister." She said and it was my turn for my eyes to go wide. She laughed at me to the point tears came from her eyes. She dabbed her cheeks and caught her breath. "That was hysterical." She said, taking a deep breath. "My sister, Fleur, and I have lived here together for some time. Our parents died in the 21st street fire. We were only 16 and 17 then." She said and looked sad.

" I am so sorry." I said removing my hand from the canvases realizing I now had paint on my palm.

"Way to go Cass, tell her our sob story then she sticks her hands all over my paintings." I turned around with my hands facing up covered with dots of paint and see Fleur.

She almost didn't look like the girl I saw earlier today. She was in tan colored slacks a white button down with a brown plaid print vest over top and brown dress shoes. No makeup was on her face and her hair was no longer laid to the side in waves, but laid slick back in a pompadour style. She looked boyish and feminine all the same time, but without knowing her, you wouldn't know she was a woman.

"Oh I am so sorry, I did not know they were still wet." I said, turning my face away feeling the rush of heat run to my ears. I knew I was staring too long, but I couldn't help, but feel entranced by her.

"I am just kidding, sunshine, I can fix a small spot. She walked towards me leaning across me to grab the paint set on the easel. I moved quickly out of the way, making my way to the sink to wash my hands trying to keep the blush from appearing on my cheeks.

"Sunshine?" I questioned as I shook the water off my hands before grabbing a towel to drop them off. "I have a name you know?" I said, raising an eyebrow as I dried my hands.

"I know you have a name, I just prefer sunshine. Ya know cause your daddy's Golden Daughter" Fleur said while touching up the paint on the canvas with a slight chuckle. I roll my eyes and walk towards the couch leaning on the edge with my arms across my chest making my breast pop from the low neckline.

"Fleur leave the poor girl alone, you're gonna chase her away." Cass says, nudging Fleur's arm, making her paintbrush slip slightly.

"Jesus Cass you almost messed me up!" she said and continued to fix the errors "and Sunshine, you gotta not take things so seriously with me, I practically drip in sarcasm and flirtation." she says with a smirk as she focused on the canvas.

I walked over to my handbag, slipping my gloves I had placed on top, back on my hands and arms. "I am a very serious person, but at least I don't have to worry about the flirting." I said looking down at my arms as I situated my gloves into the right spot. I look up and see Cass giggle into her hand. I look at her confused.

"Oh nothing, you're just so innocent." she said with a pout.

"I am not." I gasped.

"Oh come on, you didn't even want to come out tonight because of the possibility of getting caught." Fleur said with a smirk.

"I will show you guys, I am LOTS of fun" I said, emphasizing 'lots' "Where are we going tonight?" I asked.

"Oh you will see" Cass replied before topping her plants off with some water.

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