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  Percy rubbed his eyes as he sat up in bed, the morning sun shining through his window. He stood up and walked over to his door, smelling the faint scent of breakfast. He ignored the creaks of the floorboards as he walked out into the hallway and over to the kitchen where a kind woman stood making pancakes.

  "Good morning, Percy. Sleep well?"

  Percy nodded, smiling as he sat down at the kitchen table. " I had a dream where I got to fly on a broom and be on a professional quidditch team! I got knocked off my broom though, but I got to watch as the seeker caught the snitch! We won a giant gold trophy that was this big!" He gestured with his arms to show the size of the dream trophy. "And then I got to ride on a dragon and we flew through the clouds and into space! And the dragon kept talking to me and we became the best of friends!"

  "Oh really? What kind of dragon was it?"

  "Oh, I'm not too sure. It was huge though, with red scales and bright yellow eyes! You wouldn't believe it, Madam red! Do you think it means that one day I'll have a pet dragon?"

"Maybe, or maybe it means you've been reading those dragon books a bit too much?" She chuckled as she walked over to Percy with a plate of pancakes. She set it down in front of him and smiled as he grinned.

  "You always make the best pancakes, madam! I think every morning should be just like this! Don't you think?"

  "Wouldn't that be nice? Unfortunately I'm rather busy with work. But don't you worry, we can do this again for your next birthday too. Maybe I'll get you some candles next time, does that sound nice?"

  "Well, it'll have to be eleven candles next year, but maybe we can find a good set of ten sometime today? Do you think you could take me to the market? You always say you will, but I still 'ave never been!"

  Madam Red was like a mother to Percy, she was always so kind and taught him everything she knew about magic. Percy didn't know his real parents, nor what happened to them, but as long as he had Madam Red, everything would be okay. He didn't know her real name, instead gave her the nickname due to her always wearing a red piece of cloth on the sleeve of her robes. She grew fond of the name and encouraged him to keep calling her it. It was much better than being called 'ma'am' all of the time anyways.

  "We'll see. I have a lot to do after our lessons today, but maybe if I can come home early. Anyways, I got you something." She grabbed a box from the counter and set it right next to the plate of pancakes. "When you've finished up breakfast, you can open your gift. I know I usually don't get you anything but textbooks, but you only turn ten once."

  Percy nodded and quickly choked down his pancakes, then set his plate aside to make room for his present. He stood up and opened the box, pulling out a picture frame and setting it in front of him. "What's this for?" He asked as he stared at the people in the picture. There was a man and a woman, the woman held a baby in her arms.

  "Those are your parents, dear."

  Percy frowned as he stared at the picture, the man looked intimidating. Dark black hair and the same sea-green eyes as Percy, the woman looked much kinder. She had long brown hair and bright blue eyes that felt so warm to look at. The baby must've been him, he looked so tiny and fragile.

  "Madam Red?"

  "Yes, dear?"

  "What happened to them?"

  Madam Red frowned, "You aren't going to like it, I'll tell you when you're older."

  "You always say that, but I'm older now! My age is double digits Madam! The big one-zero! Ten! I'm old now, so please!"

Deatheater [REWRITE] A Harry Potter and PJO crossoverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя