Really pathetic

I broke the silence after a long time. I threw my head back and laughed like a maniac.

Mr. Wesley,s brow furrowed in confusion looking at other people around the meeting room for answers but they were just as clueless as him.

My laughter eventually died and I looked at him, leaning over to the large rectangular table and interlacing my fingers in front of him.

"Oh?, So you think I,ll be the lucky one to work with you Mr. Wesley?, Really?" I asked sarcastically.

He eyes burned with fury, he stood up immediately, " how dare you talk to me like that?, Do you know who I_ "

"Sit down Mr. Wesley, this is my office And I will not tolerate such behaviour." I said calmly.

He didn't like how calm I was about this. His chest heaved up and down as he breathed heavily trying to give me his worst glare which he failed to do so.

Again, pathetic

"Now, now you don't want me to inform the cops about where these machines have arrived from now, do you?" I said raising my brow.

His eyes widened, "Wha- what are y- you talking about?, My machines are not illegal",. He stammered trying to defend himself.

I frowned trying hard not to laugh , "Mr. Wesley, when did I say your equipments are illegal?"

His eyes widened again when he realised what he just said


I sighed, "Let's get to the point. I know your equipments are not yours and that you bought it all in black market from Sri Lanka in second hand."

He gulped trying to find his words

"And you've the audacity to even think you work with me", I scoffed.

"Now if you don't get out my property right this moment, I will have no choice but to call the cops and inform them about your illegal business", I said with a smirk leaning back on my chair.

He looked at me with fear, his body trembling.

"No,no,no, I'm so sorry Mr. Singhania. Please don't tell the Cops, I,ll leave without any problems He shook his head vigorously before running out of the door with his assistant.

I chuckled lowly before looking out the familiar view from my company building.

My company has 3rd largest glass skycrapper in the City of Mumbai and 9th largest company in all over India.

Many people are dying to do even a single project with us just like Mr. Wesley but only a few clients who are worthy of our time and attention get the opportunity to work with us.

"Did you record everything?, I asked my assistant Tyler who stood beside me

"Yes sir", he muttered in a low voice pointing at the camera attached on his shirt button.

"Good", I replied before turning and standing up. I buttoned up my black blazer.

Tyler opened the door for me while I walked out with my hand in my pockets

"I want you to send these clips to the cops and don't forget to blur my face and cut out my name wherever used it. And also tell the Cops that my name should not be leaked in the media at all, now get back to work", I said to my assistant who stumbled behind me before nodding and left.

Honesty and loyalty is the first step towards success and I,ve always made sure to not to choose a wrong path.
I also expect the same thing from my employees.

Snowflake - Frozen but still FragileWhere stories live. Discover now