Katherine Plumber- Article (c)

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Newsies One Shot

You had known Katherine for years and had seen her career develop as she grew into her writing styles even if it meant that she was turning her back onto her father and risking his shame when he found out that she was doing her best to find success in a career in journalism. It was hard for her as a woman to find anything that she was able to report without there being someone stood in her way, especially if she wanted a story that was more important than a little fluff piece that would be read but no more than the odd person.

Luckily for Katherine, she had managed to find a worthy cause that no other journalist would touch with a barge pole. The news strike could make history but with it being directly against Pulitzer, it was a suicide mission for any journalist to cover it, but with Katherine having nothing to lose in her writing career as it hadn't started yet, she was going to do the story justice for herself and for the poor children involved. She had one of the biggest hearts of anyone and that was going to go in her favour.

Katherine had put her heart and soul onto the page and without a formal editor or anyone else to take a look at her work, she brought it to you. She nervously paced in front of you as you read through the article ready for it to be printed in secret and distributed across the city. Every word made your heart pang for the innocent children who were being manipulated by Pulitzer and the system that would pummel the newsies into even more poverty.

You finished the article and smiled up to Katherine.

"This is amazing, not only is this going to change the standings of the little man that keep getting pushed down, but your father is going to regret not giving you a place at his paper," you grinned, proud beyond means of your dear friend.

A small smile curled onto her lips, but her expression stayed uncertain.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

You nodded your head, reaching out a hand to give her own a reassuring squeeze. "In my most sincere opinion, Katherine, no one could have written anything more beautiful."

The small smile grew into a large grin across her face. She took back the article, clutching it to her chest. She expressed her gratitude before rushing off to get to work sharing her article with the rest of the city.


Written by Charlotte.

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