@RavenKookv / SPRINGKV

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- Ah! You flatter me :D Thank you for giving me and other authors this wonderful way of being discovered<3

➽ You guys deserve everything for the hardwork you put in your stories.

What in your opinion are the most important elements of good writing?

- Well... according to me to make your writing more attractive and demanding people to read it till the end, you should have a good vocabulary. A good book with bad vocab is kinda off to readers, who have the view of a critic and of course people would be more attracted when you use archaic and artistic words (but we have to be careful not to use difficult words for which readers have to keep a dictionary open all the while). And secondly, emotions... That's the most important element. The more you make people feel with your words, the more they are hooked. So, instead of focusing on describing the actions a scene is displaying, you should focus more on the imagery you could create with the tension and feelings amongst the characters. That's all I've to say for this matter.

➽ Yes good vocab is attractive <3 i have learned a lot through Wattpad and taekook stories actually and one of the most impressive thing that it helps me to improve a lot and imagine well. It's great to see things in your point of view.

- The pleasure's all mine and I would be glad to see people getting better with their writing skills♡

➽ How much world building takes place before you start writing?

- It actually depends on the type of plot. If I write something light, (like Stuck With Him) I just need to think of basic things that need to occur like (being stranded, in a green and remote island, sea all around, with some depth, like the clearing with a beautiful lake surrounded by rocks, which only I have in mind) after that I set my characters to motion. Whereas, when I write something with a lot of gravity, (as in Heathen) I have to create every set up beforehand and then think of placing the characters (like a palace, dungeons, valleys, training grounds) and this takes a lot of time actually, along with frustration sometimes, when the imagination in my mind isn't up to the mark haha.

➽ Creating an imaginary world of reality isn't easy. It takes a lot of efforts to make it real and get in to motion. Thank you so much for all of your efforts to delivering amazing stories to us <3

- I'm glad I make stories people can spend their time on<3

- Thank you so much for understanding <3

➽ And there are things in our life that affects our mood completely and it goes both ways. There are things, emotional pressure, an impact on the story we could feel in real life too, especially when the pressure is at its maximum. How do you deal with emotional impact of a book ( on yourself ) when you are writing the story?

- There are four types of writers: Ones who write what they actual deal with in their life, Ones who have such great imaginations that they can write something totally different from their life's perspective, i.e., they create powerful stories just from their imaginations, ones who urge themselves to feel what they start writing and just that way they get carried away and write down some pieces and lastly, a mixture of all the three, and I fall in the last category. We go through a lot in so many days of writing a book and sometimes, it just happens that the impact of your life can be seen in the book, but only you can realize that when you are reading it and no one else and you understand the depth you were at the moment you were writing that part. Similarly, when a writer is too engrossed in creating a scene of the book, it sometimes feels like they are in the set, watching it unfold with their naked eyes and when emotions overpower, they might get overwhelmed too. I myself have cried a few times while writing some very emotional scenes. To cope up with the gravity of the moment, I just stop and take a break, staying quiet and just being with myself, as I take my time to come out of the imaginary world that I had created around me.

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