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Jungkook sits nervously on the chair in the hospital waiting area. Taehyung is now undergoing surgery. Jungkook is very scared. He's afraid Taehyung won't make it. Fortunately, Jimin is sitting next to him. Jimin puts his hand on Jungkook's knee. "Don't worry, Kookie. Taehyung will make it." Jimin says.

Jungkook looks at Jimin with tears in his eyes. "Taehyung is strong. He will survive this. Trust me." Jimin says. "I hope so." Jungkook says. Jimin hugs him.

The other boys walk up. "And? Any news about Taehyung?" Namjoon asks. Jimin shakes his head. "No not yet. They are still working on him." Jimin says. Namjoon sighs. "I so hope Taehyung will be okay." He says.

"We have to stay positive guys. I'm sure everything will be fine with Taehyung." Jimin says. "Jimin is right. We have to stay positive. Taehyung is strong and will survive this." Hoseok says. Jimin smiles at him. Hoseok smiles back.

Mrs. Kim comes running into the hospital. She runs to Jungkook. "Jungkook, how is he?" She asks. Jungkook gets up. "I don't know. Taehyung is still having surgery." Jungkook says. Mrs. Kim hugs Jungkook. Jungkook hugs her back.

After three hours of waiting, a doctor approaches them. Everyone gets up. "How is he doing?" Jungkook asks. "Mr. Kim's Family or Friends?" The doctor asks. "I am his mother. This is his boyfriend and the others are his friends." Mrs. Kim says. The doctor nods.

"Then I would only like to speak to Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim's boyfriend." The doctor says. Jungkook looks at his friends. They nod. "Go on Kookie. It's all right. We'll wait here." Jin says. Jungkook nods and walks with Mrs. Kim along with the doctor.

They walk into the doctor's office. The doctor closes the door behind him and Jungkook and Mrs. Kim sit on the chairs in front of the doctor's desk. "How is my son?" Mrs. Kim asks. The doctor looks serious.

"During the operation, we had to resuscitate your son." The doctor says. "Oh my god." Mrs. Kim says. She is shocked like Jungkook, whose eyes are filled with tears. "The CPR was successful and we were able to continue with the operation." The doctor continues.

"We had to put your son in a coma only because of too much blood loss." The doctor says. "Because now there is too much pressure on his brain. Because he is now in a coma, that pressure will eventually decrease." The doctor says.

"When do you expect the pressure on his brain to decrease?" Mrs. Kim asks. "I think in about two weeks." The doctor says. "But of course we keep a close eye on him." The doctor says. Mrs. Kim nods.

"Still, I want to keep in mind that your son's condition may change." The doctor says. "For now he is stable but that can always change. So I want you to remember that things can always go wrong." The doctor says. "I know that." Mrs. Kim says. The doctor nods.

"May we see him?" Mrs. Kim asks. The doctor nods. "That's fine. But you can only have two people in the room otherwise it will be too many people in the room and that is not the intention." The doctor says. "Obviously." Mrs. Kim says. "And not too long please. The patient needs to rest." The doctor says.

"I'll take you to his room." The doctor says. He stands up. Jungkook and Mrs. Kim also get up. They walk out of his office with the doctor. Jungkook and Mrs. Kim hold hands as they follow the doctor.

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